
The tables below list the methods and properties that the Prebid Rendering API allows to customize. The more actual info about the user, the app, and the device you provide the more chances to win an impression.

Please strictly follow the recommendations in the below tables and provide all ❗ Required and Highly Recommended values.

  1. Targeting
  2. PrebidRenderingSettings


Parameter Method Description Required?
age setUserAge Age of the user in years. For example: 35 ❗ Highly Recommended
buyerid setBuyerId Buyer-specific ID for the user as mapped by the exchange for the buyer. Optional
crr setCarrier Mobile carrier - Defined by the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC), using the format: -. For example: `"310-410"` Optional
customdata setUserCustomData Optional feature to pass bidder data that was set in the exchange’s cookie. The string must be in base85 cookie safe characters and be in any format. Proper JSON encoding must be used to include “escaped” quotation marks. Optional
dma setDma A designated market are. For US locations, indicates the end-user’s Designated Market Area. For example: dma=803. Optional
ext setUserExt Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. Optional
gen setUserGender The gender of the user (Male, Female, Other, Unknown). For example: Gender.FEMALE ❗ Highly Recommended
inc setUserAnnualIncomeInUs Annual income of the user in US dollars. For example: 55000 ❗ Highly Recommended
ip setDeviceIpAddress The IP address of the carrier gateway. If this is not present, Prebid Rendering retrieves it from the request header. For example: "" ❗ Highly Recommended
keywords setUserKeywords Comma separated list of keywords, interests, or intent. Optional
lat, lon setUserLatLng Location of the user’s home base defined by a provided longitude and latitude. It’s highly recommended to provide Geo data to improve the request. Optional
publisher setPublisherName Publisher name (may be aliased at the publisher’s request). Recommended if available
url/storeurl setAppStoreMarketUrl The URL for the mobile application in Google Play. That field is required in the request.
For example:
❗ Required
xid setUserId ID of the user within the app. For example: "24601" ❗ Highly Recommended

How to set user parameters

You can use Targeting to pass ad call request parameters.

// Set user parameters to enrich ad request data.
// Please see Targeting for the userKeys and the APIs available.
// Set parameters.
// Targeting.setCustomParameters(Hashtable<String, String> params)
// Targeting.setParameters(Hashtable<String, String> params)
// clear parameters
// Targeting.clearParameters()
// Targeting.clearParameter(String key)

Custom key-value parameters

You can submit values through Targeting for the extended ( ad-call parameters.

Parameter Method Description
setCustomParameter A custom user parameter auto-prepended with c..
You should provide the plain name of the parameter, such as xxx, which will be changed to when sent.
setCustomParameters Custom user parameters, which consist of a dictionary of name-value parameter pairs, where each param name will be automatically prepended with c..


Field Description Default
defaultAutoRefreshDelay Controls the initial value of autoRefreshDelay for all newly created BannerAdViews in seconds. 60
logLevel Controls the type of messages of the internal logger. Options are:
- DEBUG - this is the noisiest level.
sendMRAIDSupportParams If true, the SDK sends “af=3,5”, indicating support for MRAID. true