The ad unit object is where you configure what kinds of ads you will show in a given ad slot on your page, including:
It’s also where you will configure bidders, e.g.:
This page describes the properties of the adUnit
See the table below for the list of properties on the ad unit. For example ad units, see the Examples below.
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
code |
Required | String | An identifier you create and assign to this ad unit. Generally this is set to the ad slot name or the div element ID. Used by setTargetingForGPTAsync() to match which auction is for which ad slot. |
bids |
Required | Array[Object] | Array of bid objects representing demand partners and associated parameters for a given ad unit. See Bids below. |
mediaTypes |
Optional | Object | Defines one or more media types that can serve into the ad unit. For a list of properties, see adUnit.mediaTypes below. |
labelAny |
Optional | Array[String] | Used for conditional ads. Works with sizeConfig argument to pbjs.setConfig. |
labelAll |
Optional | Array[String] | Used for conditional ads. Works with sizeConfig argument to pbjs.setConfig. |
ortb2Imp |
Optional | Object | ortb2Imp is used to signal OpenRTB Imp objects at the adUnit grain. Similar to the global ortb2 field used for global first party data configuration, but specific to this adunit. The ortb2Imp object currently supports first party data including the Prebid Ad Slot and the interstitial signal. |
See the table below for the list of properties in the bids
array of the ad unit. For example ad units, see the Examples below.
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
bidder |
Required | String | Unique code identifying the bidder. For bidder codes, see the bidder param reference. |
params |
Required | Object | Bid request parameters for a given bidder. For allowed params, see the bidder param reference. |
labelAny |
Optional | Array[String] | Used for conditional ads. Works with sizeConfig argument to pbjs.setConfig. |
labelAll |
Optional | Array[String] | Used for conditional ads. Works with sizeConfig argument to pbjs.setConfig. |
See the table below for the list of properties in the mediaTypes
object of the ad unit. For example ad units showing the different media types, see the Examples below.
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
banner |
At least one of the banner , native , or video objects are required. |
Object | Defines properties of a banner ad. For examples, see adUnit.mediaTypes.banner . |
native |
At least one of the banner , native , or video objects are required. |
Object | Defines properties of a native ad. For properties, see adUnit.mediaTypes.native . |
video |
At least one of the banner , native , or video objects are required. |
Object | Defines properties of a video ad. For examples, see . |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
sizes |
Required | Array[Number] or Array[Array[Number]] | All sizes this ad unit can accept. Examples: [400, 600] , [[300, 250], [300, 600]] . Prebid recommends that the sizes auctioned by Prebid should be the same auctioned by AdX and GAM OpenBidding, which means AdUnit sizes should match the GPT sizes. |
pos |
Optional | Integer | OpenRTB page position value: 0=unknown, 1=above-the-fold, 3=below-the-fold, 4=header, 5=footer, 6=sidebar, 7=full-screen |
name |
Optional | String | Name for this banner ad unit. Can be used for testing and debugging. |
The native
object contains the following properties that correspond to the assets of the native ad.
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
type |
Optional | String | A pre-defined native type used as a shorthand, e.g., type: 'image' implies required fields image , title , sponsoredBy , clickUrl . |
title |
Optional | Object | The title object is to be used for the title element of the native ad. For properties, see native.title . |
body |
Optional | Object | The body object is to be used for the body element of the native ad. For properties, see native.body . |
sponsoredBy |
Optional | Object | The name of the brand associated with the ad. For properties, see native.sponsoredBy . |
icon |
Optional | Object | The brand icon that will appear with the ad. For properties, see native.icon . |
image |
Optional | Object | The image object is to be used for the main image of the native ad. For properties, see native.image . |
clickUrl |
Optional | Object | Where the user will end up if they click the ad. For properties, see native.clickUrl . |
cta |
Optional | String | Call to Action text, e.g., “Click here for more information”. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
required |
Optional | Boolean | Whether this asset is required. |
sizes |
Optional | Array[Number] or Array[Array[Number]] | All sizes this image can accept. Examples: [400, 600] , [[300, 250], [300, 600]] . |
aspect_ratios |
Optional | Array[Object] | Alongside sizes , you can define allowed aspect ratios. For properties, see image.aspect_ratios . |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
min_height |
Optional | Integer | The minimum height required for an image to serve (in pixels). |
min_width |
Optional | Integer | The minimum width required for an image to serve (in pixels). |
ratio_height |
Required | Integer | This, combined with ratio_width , determines the required aspect ratio for an image that can serve. |
ratio_width |
Required | Integer | See above. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
required |
Optional | Boolean | Whether a title asset is required on this native ad. |
len |
Optional | Integer | Maximum length of title text, in characters. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
required |
Optional | Boolean | Whether a brand name asset is required on this native ad. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
required |
Optional | Boolean | Whether a click URL asset is required on this native ad. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
required |
Optional | Boolean | Whether body text is required for this native ad. |
len |
Optional | Integer | Maximum length of body text, in characters. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
required |
Optional | Boolean | Whether an icon asset is required on this ad. |
sizes |
Optional | Array[Number] or Array[Array[Number]] | All sizes this icon can accept. Examples: [400, 600] , [[300, 250], [300, 600]] . |
aspect_ratios |
Optional | Array[Object] | Instead of sizes , you can define allowed aspect ratios. For properties, see icon.aspect_ratios . |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
min_width |
Optional | Integer | The minimum width required for an image to serve (in pixels). |
ratio_height |
Required | Integer | This, combined with ratio_width , determines the required aspect ratio for an image that can serve. |
ratio_width |
Required | Integer | See above. |
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
pos |
Optional | Integer | OpenRTB page position value: 0=unknown, 1=above-the-fold, 3=below-the-fold, 4=header, 5=footer, 6=sidebar, 7=full-screen |
context |
Recommended | String | The video context, either 'instream' , 'outstream' , or 'adpod' (for long-form videos). Example: context: 'outstream' . Defaults to ‘instream’. |
placement |
Recommended | Integer | 1=in-stream, 2=in-banner, 3=in-article, 4=in-feed, 5=interstitial/floating. Highly recommended because some bidders require more than context=outstream. |
playerSize |
Optional | Array[Integer,Integer] | The size (width, height) of the video player on the page, in pixels. Example: playerSize: [640, 480] |
api |
Recommended | Array[Integer] | List of supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. For list, see OpenRTB spec. If your video player or video ads SDK supports Open Measurement, recommended to set 7 for OMID-1 |
mimes |
Recommended | Array[String] | Content MIME types supported, e.g., "video/x-ms-wmv" , "video/mp4" . Required by OpenRTB when using Prebid Server. |
protocols |
Optional | Array[Integer] | Array of supported video protocols. For list, see OpenRTB spec. Required by OpenRTB when using Prebid Server. |
playbackmethod |
Optional | Array[Integer] | Allowed playback methods. If none specified, all are allowed. For list, see OpenRTB spec. Required by OpenRTB when using Prebid Server. |
minduration |
Recommended | Integer | Minimum video ad duration in seconds, see OpenRTB spec. |
maxduration |
Recommended | Integer | Maximum video ad duration in seconds, see OpenRTB spec. |
w |
Recommended | Integer | Width of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS)., see OpenRTB spec. |
h |
Recommended | Integer | Height of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS)., see OpenRTB spec. |
startdelay |
Recommended | Integer | Indicates the start delay in seconds, see OpenRTB spec. |
placement |
Optional | Integer | Placement type for the impression, see OpenRTB spec. |
linearity |
Optional | Integer | Indicates if the impression must be linear, nonlinear, etc, see OpenRTB spec. |
skip |
Optional | Integer | Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = no, 1 = yes., see OpenRTB spec. |
skipmin |
Optional | Integer | Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable; only applicable if the ad is skippable., see OpenRTB spec. |
skipafter |
Optional | Integer | Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled; only applicable if the ad is skippable., see OpenRTB spec. |
minbitrate |
Optional | Integer | Minimum bit rate in Kbps., see OpenRTB spec. |
maxbitrate |
Optional | Integer | Maximum bit rate in Kbps., see OpenRTB spec. |
delivery |
Optional | Array[Integer] | Supported delivery methods (e.g., streaming, progressive), see OpenRTB spec. |
pos |
Optional | Integer | Ad position on screen, see OpenRTB spec. |
playbackend |
Optional | Integer | The event that causes playback to end, see OpenRTB spec. |
If 'video.context'
is set to 'adpod'
then the following parameters are also available.
Name | Scope | Type | Description |
adPodDurationSec |
Required | Number | The length of the adpod in seconds. Example: adPodDurationSec = 120 |
durationRangeSec |
Required | Array[Number] | An array of numbers represents a list of the potential/accepted duration values that the creatives can be in the adpod block. Example: durationRangeSec = [30, 60, 90] |
requireExactDuration |
Optional | Boolean | Whether the returned creatives running time must match the value of adPodDurationSec . Example: requireExactDuration = true |
tvSeriesName |
Optional | String | The name of the television series video the adpod will appear in. Example: tvSeriesName = 'Once Upon A Time' |
tvEpisodeName |
Optional | String | The name of the episode of the television series video the adpod will appear in. Example: tvEpisodeName = 'Pilot' |
tvSeasonNumber |
Optional | Number | A number representing the season number of the television series video the adpod will appear in. Example: tvSeasonNumber = 1 |
tvEpisodeNumber |
Optional | Number | A number representing the episode number of the television series video the adpod will appear in. Example: tvEpisodeNumber = 1 |
contentLengthSec |
Optional | Number | A number representing the length of the video in seconds. Example: contentLengthSec = 1 |
contentMode |
Optional | String | A string indicating the type of content being displayed in the video player. There are two options, live and on-demand . Example: contentMode = 'on-demand' |
For an example of a banner ad unit, see below. For more detailed instructions, see Getting Started.
code: slot.code,
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300, 250]]
bids: [
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: 13144370
For an example of an instream video ad unit, see below. For more detailed instructions, see Show Video Ads.
code: slot.code,
mediaTypes: {
video: {
context: 'instream',
playerSize: [640, 480],
mimes: ['video/mp4'],
protocols: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
playbackmethod: [2],
skip: 1
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: 13232361
For an example of an outstream video ad unit, see below. For more detailed instructions, see Show Outstream Video Ads.
code: slot.code,
mediaTypes: {
video: {
context: 'outstream',
playerSize: [640, 480]
renderer: {
url: '',
render: function(bid) {
targetId: bid.adUnitCode,
adResponse: bid.adResponse,
For an example of an adpod video ad unit, see below. For more detailed instructions, see Show Long-Form Video Ads.
var longFormatAdUnit = {
video: {
// required params
context: 'adpod',
playerSize: [640, 480],
adPodDurationSec: 300,
durationRangeSec: [15, 30],
// optional params
requireExactDuration: true,
tvSeriesName: 'TvName',
tvEpisodeName: 'episodeName',
tvSeasonNumber: 3,
tvEpisodeNumber: 6,
contentLength: 300, // time in seconds,
contentMode: 'on-demand'
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: '123456789',
For an example of a native ad unit, see below. For more detailed instructions, see Show Native Ads.
code: slot.code,
mediaTypes: {
native: {
image: {
required: true,
sizes: [150, 50]
title: {
required: true,
len: 80
sponsoredBy: {
required: true
clickUrl: {
required: true
body: {
required: true
icon: {
required: true,
sizes: [50, 50]
bids: [
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: 13232354
For an example of a multi-format ad unit, see below. For more detailed instructions, see Show Multi-Format Ads.
code: 'div-banner-native',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[300, 250]
native: {
type: 'image'
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: 13232392,
code: 'div-banner-outstream',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[300, 250]
video: {
context: 'outstream',
playerSize: [300, 250]
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: 13232392,
}, ]
code: 'div-banner-outstream-native',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[300, 250]
native: {
type: 'image'
video: {
context: 'outstream',
playerSize: [300, 250]
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: 13232392,
}, ]
It’s ok to have multiple AdUnits with the same code
. This can be useful in scenarios
where bidders have different capabilities for the same spot on the page. e.g.
In this example, bidderA gets both banner and outstream, while bidderB gets only banner.
var adUnits = [
code: 'test-div',
mediaTypes: {
video: {
context: "outstream",
playerSize: [[300,250]]
bids: [
bidder: 'bidderA',
params: {
code: 'test-div',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300,250],[300,600],[728,90]]
bids: [
bidder: 'bidderB',
params: {
bidder: 'bidderA',
params: {
In this example, bidderA receives 2 bidRequest objects while bidderB receives one. If a bidder provides more than one bid for the same AdUnit.code, Prebid.js will use the highest bid when it’s time to set targeting.
Example of an adunit-specific block of first party data:
code: "test-div",
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300,250]]
ortb2Imp: {
ext: {
data: {
pbadslot: "homepage-top-rect",
adUnitSpecificContextAttribute: "123"
Example of an adunit-specific interstitial signal:
code: "test-div",
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [[300,250]]
ortb2Imp: {
For more information on Interstitial ads, reference the Interstitial feature page.