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Request bids. When adUnits
or adUnitCodes
are not specified, request bids for all ad units added.
Kind: static method of pbjs API
Param | Scope | Type | Description |
requestObj | Optional | Object |
requestObj.adUnitCodes | Optional | Array of strings |
adUnit codes to request. Use this or requestObj.adUnits . Default to all adUnitCodes if empty. |
requestObj.adUnits | Optional | Array of objects |
AdUnitObjects to request. Use this or requestObj.adUnitCodes . Default to all adUnits if empty. |
requestObj.timeout | Optional | Integer |
Timeout for requesting the bids specified in milliseconds |
requestObj.bidsBackHandler | Optional | function |
Callback to execute when all the bid responses are back or the timeout hits. Callback will be passed three parameters, the bidResponses themselves, a timedOut flag (true if any bidders timed out) and the auctionId . |
requestObj.labels | Optional | Array of strings |
Defines labels that may be matched on ad unit targeting conditions. |
requestObj.auctionId | Optional | String |
Defines an auction ID to be used rather than having the system generate one. This can be useful if there are multiple wrappers on a page and a single auction ID is desired to tie them together in analytics. |
Example call
bidsBackHandler: sendAdserverRequest,
timeout: 1000,
labels: ["custom1"]
Example parameters sent to the bidsBackHandler:
function sendAdserverRequest(bids, timedOut, auctionId) {
// bids
// {"test-div":{"bids":[{"bidderCode":"bidderA", ...}]}}
// See [getBidResponses function](#module_pbjs.getBidResponses) for details
// timedOut=false
// auctionId="130aad5e-eb1a-4b7d-8939-0663ba251887"