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Request bids. When adUnits or adUnitCodes are not specified, request bids for all ad units added.

Kind: static method of pbjs API

Param Scope Type Description
requestObj Optional Object  
requestObj.adUnitCodes Optional Array of strings adUnit codes to request. Use this or requestObj.adUnits. Default to all adUnitCodes if empty.
requestObj.adUnits Optional Array of objects AdUnitObjects to request. Use this or requestObj.adUnitCodes. Default to all adUnits if empty.
requestObj.timeout Optional Integer Timeout for requesting the bids specified in milliseconds
requestObj.bidsBackHandler Optional function Callback to execute when all the bid responses are back or the timeout hits. Callback will be passed three parameters, the bidResponses themselves, a timedOut flag (true if any bidders timed out) and the auctionId.
requestObj.labels Optional Array of strings Defines labels that may be matched on ad unit targeting conditions.
requestObj.auctionId Optional String Defines an auction ID to be used rather than having the system generate one. This can be useful if there are multiple wrappers on a page and a single auction ID is desired to tie them together in analytics.

Example call

    bidsBackHandler: sendAdserverRequest,
    timeout: 1000,
    labels: ["custom1"]

Example parameters sent to the bidsBackHandler:

function sendAdserverRequest(bids, timedOut, auctionId) {
    // bids
    // {"test-div":{"bids":[{"bidderCode":"bidderA", ...}]}}
    // See [getBidResponses function](#module_pbjs.getBidResponses) for details
    // timedOut=false
    // auctionId="130aad5e-eb1a-4b7d-8939-0663ba251887"

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