Configuration options for a single ad break are typically passed into the plugin in a JSON object structure. However, if you want to configure more than one ad break (containing a single ad slot) in a single video, configuration options would be passed into the plugin as an array of JSON objects, each object representing the configuration settings for one of the ad breaks. (See Specifying Multiple Ad Breaks for a Video for more details.) These options can include:
These options are used to configure how the plugin should execute the prebid process for a single ad break. They are included in the same JSON structure where the rendering options are also provided for the ad break.
When configuring prebid options for more than one ad break, create an array of Prebid and rendering options for each ad break.
The path to prebid.js that you wish to use.
NOTE: By default, the plugin currently supports prebid 1.0 and up. It does NOT support version 0.x due to the breaking changes that were added in prebid 1.0
Acceptable Values:
String that represents the full path to a version of prebid.js
Not required but recommended.
Default Value:
options.prebidPath = 'https://your-path/prebid.js'
The parameters that are used in making a prebid call. These parameters include definitions of the bidders that will be used during prebid as well as placement configuration parameters.
Acceptable Values:
If prebid should be invoked by the plugin, the value of biddersSpec
should be a JSON structure providing the definition of the bidders to use as well as placement configuration. (See Setting Up Prebid Parameters for details.)
If prebid is invoked outside of the plugin, the value of biddersSpec
must be null; the results of the pre-bidding will be passed into the plugin ad renderer by calling renderAd()
, passing in the selected creative.
Yes - if you want the plugin to execute prebid.
Default Value:
- this will result in no prebid being executed
See Setting Up Prebid Parameters below
Define aliases for bidders that are being specified in the biddersSpec. Using aliases allows to you to use the same bidder more than once with different targeting parameters.
Acceptable Values:
Array of one or more bidder aliases definitions.
Each bidder alias definition is defined in a JSON object containing the following fields:
: The name of a known bidder adapter that is being used in
: A String that species the name of the alias for the bidder adapter.See “aliasBidder” at for details.
Default Value:
"bidderAliases": [
"bidderName": "appnexus",
"name": "alias1"
"bidderName": "appnexus",
"name": "alias2"
Define some behaviors for the platform and specific adapters. The basic structure is a ‘standard’ section with defaults for all adapters, and then one or more adapter-specific sections that override behavior for that bidder.
Acceptable Values:
When you are defining all options to the prebid plugin directly on the page, you may use a JSON Object using same syntax described under “bidderSettings” on
However, if you’re defining all options directly in Brightcove Studio, you cannot use inline functions as the “val” of a bidder setting key. The use of inline functions breaks the JSON object that you are creating in the Studio. To get around this problem, the plugin supports using a syntax consisting of an array of strings to represent the inline function. The plugin then takes care of re-creating the inline function once the plugin has been loaded.
When using this syntax, the first element of the array MUST be a String with the following value: “valueIsFunction”.
The rest of the elements in the array are a series of strings that comprise the literal lines of code of your function. In other words, each line of code in your bidderSettings
value function is converted to a string value, and added in order to the JSON array.
For example, if a bidderSettings
function value on the page would normally look like this:
key: "hb_size",
val: function(bidResponse) {
return bidResponse.size;
When you put it into Brightcove Studio as part of your settings JSON, it would look like:
"key": "hb_size",
"val": [
"function(bidResponse) {",
" return bidResponse.size;",
NOTE: That if the value of a bidder setting is NOT a function, but is instead a standard JSON-supported value type (Number, String, or Boolean), then you do not need to use this special array-based syntax.
For example:
"key": "hb_size",
"val": "640x480"
A Brightcove Prebid Plugin : Bidder Settings JSON Converter tool has been created that you can use to convert bidder settings as they would be defined on the page into the format acceptable in Brightcove Studio. You can access this tool in one of the following ways:
See “bidderSettings” at for details.
No - Defining bidderSettings
is optional; the platform has default values for all of the options.
Adapters may specify their own default settings, though this isn’t common. Some sample scenarios where publishers may wish to alter the default settings include:
Default Value:
When bidderSettings
are defined on the page:
bidderSettings = {
standard: {
adserverTargeting: [{
key: "hb_bidder",
val: function(bidResponse) {
return bidResponse.bidderCode;
}, {
key: "hb_adid",
val: function(bidResponse) {
return bidResponse.adId;
}, {
key: "hb_pb",
val: function(bidResponse) {
return bidResponse.pbMg;
}, {
key: 'hb_size',
val: function (bidResponse) {
return bidResponse.size;
When bidderSettings
are defined in Brightcove Studio:
"bidderSettings": {
"standard": {
"adserverTargeting": [{
"key": "hb_bidder",
"val": [
"function(bidResponse) {",
" return bidResponse.bidderCode;",
}, {
"key": "hb_adid",
"val": [
"function(bidResponse) {",
" return bidResponse.adId;",
}, {
"key": "hb_pb",
"val": [
"function(bidResponse) {",
" return bidResponse.pbMg;",
}, {
"key": "hb_size",
"val": [
"function (bidResponse) {",
" return bidResponse.size;",
Additional options that are passed in to the prebid.js setConfig()
Acceptable Values:
JSON object.
Supported fields are documented in the Publisher API Reference
Default Value:
options.prebidConfigOptions = { publisherDomain: ""};
Parameters used when using Google Ad Manager as the ad server.
See documentation for buildVideoUrl
Acceptable Values:
JSON object
Can contain the following fields:
: JSON object containing parameters needed to make Google Ad Manager call. Parameters include:
: string (Required)cust_params
: JSON object (Optional). Key-value pairs that will be sent to Google Ad Manager on the video ad tag URL. If present, any key-values here will be merged with Prebid standard targeting key-values. For more information, see the Google Ad Manager documentation on cust_params.output
: (Required) String specifying the type of response expected. This value should be "vast"
: String specifying the Google Ad Manager ad tag to call. You can use this parameter rather then using the params
object to specify the Google Ad Manager tag. This URL MUST contain the Google Ad Manager iu
value fully resolved. This URL may contain any other parameters that need to be passed to Google Ad Manager. This string can NOT contain any #
characters - all macros using that syntax must be fully resolved
: (Optional) JSON object describing the Prebid bid for which targeting will be set. If this is not defined, Prebid will use the bid with the highest CPM for the adUnit.Required?
No - If present, then Google Ad Manager is considered to be the primary ad server and the results of the prebid auction will be passed to Google Ad Manager. One or both of dfpParameters.params
and dfpParameters.url
is required.
Default Value:
options.dfpParameters =
{ params :
{ iu : ‘/19968336/prebid_cache_video_adunit’,
cust_params :
{ section : ‘blog’),
output : ‘vast’ }
Specifies the callback that the plugin should use if the publisher is using an ad server other than DFP. The results of prebid will then be passed to the code managing the third-party ad server. The third-party ad server code will then make the final decision about which ad to play.
Acceptable Values:
May be one of the following:
The publisher-provided callback should take the following arguments:
: array of bid objects that include the bid price for each bid, as returned by pbjs.requestBids()
: an optional argument which represents an inline function defined within the plugin. It is used to return the selected ad to plugin for rendering.
has the prototype function (creative)
, where creative is the selected ad to be played. The creative argument may be XML or a URL to the XML. This argument should be used as follows:
from the third-party ad server code, passing in the selected ad to playRequired?
No - If present, the publisher-specified ad server is assumed and the results of the prebid auction will be sent back to the publisher via the specified callback. The publisher will then pass back the URL of the winning ad to render when they call renderAd()
if they are running prebid in the header. If they are running prebid after the Brightcove Player has loaded, then publisher will pass back the URL of the winning ad using the pluginCallback provided.
NOTE: If both dfpParameters
AND adServerCallback
have non-null values, then it is assumed that DFP is the primary ad server.
Default Value:
options.adServerCallback = myAdServerCallback(bids, pluginCallback)
Specify how long the plugin will wait for the prebid process to complete.
Acceptable Values:
Integer, greater than zero, specifying max time in milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a response from prebid.
Default Value:
NOTE: You may need to increase the prebidTimeout
value when running on mobile platforms, especially when the ad is scheduled as a late midroll or postroll.
options.prebidTimeout = 900;
Specify whether prebidCache
should be enabled.
Used to convert a VAST URL to a wrapped VAST XML. It allows prebid.js to accept either VAST URLs or VAST XML. In most cases, prebidCache
should be enabled. It is required when using DFP as the ad server.
Some publishers may not need the extra processing of prebidCache
depending on their particular workflow.
Acceptable Values:
Boolean; true = use of prebidCache is enabled; false = use of prebidCache is disabled.
Default Value:
options.enablePrebidCache = false;
User-defined text that identifies a set of prebid/rendering options. This string is particularly useful when defining configuration options for more than one ad break. Use this option to make it easier to manage all the sets of configuration options.
Acceptable Values:
String that uniquely identifies a set of prebid options. Your label should be logically correct. For example, do not use a label of “preroll ad” if the ad is going to be used in the midroll position.
Default Value:
options1.label = 'midroll-at-5-minutes';
Maximum time in milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a script file to load. For example, this value controls how long the plugin will wait for Prebid.js to load.
Acceptable Values:
Any positive integer
Default Value:
options1.scriptLoadTimeout = 5000;
Allows the user to specify a custom path used to load the Prebid plugin script. This option could be used when you are building custom or test versions of the plugin that you want to try out.
In version 0.4, the original plugin was split into a loader and the main plugin. The loader is the file that you specify when embedding the plugin into the player. The loader will then load the main plugin itself at runtime. This separation simplifies the process of debugging the plugin, especially when the plugin is embedded directly into the player in Brightcove Studio. It also means that when updates are published for the plugin, publishers will be able to pick up the updates without having to re-publish their players.
When registering the plugin to the Brightcove Player, you should continue to use the original path to the plugin. This is now the path to the loader. By default, this path is:
Also, by default, the loader will load in the plugin from:
However, if you are trying to run custom or trial versions of the plugin, you can specify the path to this trial version using this new option: prebidPluginPath
Acceptable Values:
String that represents the full path to a version of the custom or trial Prebid plugin.
Default Value:
options1.prebidPluginPath = 'https://your-path/bc_prebid_vast_plugin.js';
Adapters are a mechanism that a publisher can use to add some specific behavior at runtime to customize the behavior of the Prebid plugin.
The adapters
option defines a list of adapters that the publisher would like the Prebid plugin to load and execute.
See How To Build An Adapter for Prebid Plugin for details on how to build an adapter.
Acceptable Values:
If specified, the value of this option should be an array containing one or more adapter definitions.
Each adapter definition is specified as an object with the following fields:
Default Value:
No default value. If this option is not specified with a valid value, then the plugin will not load and start any adapters.
options.adapters = [{id : 'my-adapter', url : 'https://my-path/my-plugin-adapter.js'}]
The loggerLevel
is used to control the amount of information that is emitted by the plugin into the browser’s console.log. These levels correspond roughly to the log levels supported by many of the browsers.
to 0 (silent). Acceptable Values:
Use one of the following integer values to set loggerLevel
Default Value:
1 (meaning that version number and other “always” reported messages will be emitted to the console.log.)
options.loggerLevel = 6
The publisher must pass the prebid parameters to the plugin, via the biddersSpec
option, if the plugin is expected to invoke the prebid process. The syntax for these parameters is defined in Bidders’ Params on
Use the parameters for AppNexus bidder to include an AppNexus bidder for video ads.
If these parameters are not specified, the plugin assumes that the prebid process has occurred outside of the plugin and that the results of the header bidding will be provided to the plugin via the headerBiddingResult
Information about the Render Options supported by the plugin can be found at:
The Brightcove Prebid Plugin supports an API. Information about this API can be found at
Sample implementations are provided at:
Sample Brightcove Player Prebid Plugin Integration - Prebid in Header
Sample Brightcove Player Prebid Plugin Integration - Prebid After Player is Loaded
Sample Brightcove Player Prebid Plugin Integration - Using Publisher Preferred Ad Server