First Party Data Validation Module

This module performs a number of validations on First Party Data (FPD) fields.The scope and number of validations is large enough that it increases the size of the PBJS package by about 1KB: verifying fields and data types. e.g. confirm that site.sectioncat is an array of strings.

For this reason, publishers sensitive to javascript size may want to consider running this module only when testing a new release of Prebid.js or during major changes to how Prebid.js is integrated into their pages.

Add it to the Prebid.js build with this command:

gulp build --modules=validationFpdModule

If included in the build, it will automatically perform the defined validations unless controlled with setConfig:

    firstPartyData: {
        skipValidations: true    // defaults to false


This module does its checks only once at the first auction. The checks can be re-run anytime by calling pbjs.refreshFpd().

When a data field doesn’t meet the defined validations, it will be removed. In addition, the module will look for the _pubcid_optout cookie (or local storage), and if it exists, certain fields will be removed.

Field Validations Notes
ortb2.imp remove imp elements can only be defined by AdUnits
ortb2.cur array of strings OpenRTB currency is an array, but Prebid supports only a single currency
ortb2.device.w and .h number Device width and height must be numbers string string string string referrer string comma-separated list of keywords string array of strings array of strings array of strings object Must be an array of objects, each element must have a name and a segment. Each segment must contain an id that is a string  
ortb2.user.yob number removed if _pubcid_optout is defined
ortb2.user.gender string removed if _pubcid_optout is defined Must be an array of objects, each element must have a name and a segment. Each segment must contain an id that is a string Must be an object  

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