The User ID module supports multiple ways of establishing pseudonymous IDs for users, which is an important way of increasing the value of header bidding. Instead of having several exchanges sync IDs with dozens of demand sources, a publisher can choose to integrate with any of a number of ID schemes.
module to your Prebid.js distribution.pbjs.setConfig()
is called, and if the user has consented to storing IDs locally, the module is invoked to call the URL if needed
. This is required so that ID sub-modules may be called to refresh their ID if the user’s consent preferences have changed from the previous page, and ensures cached IDs are no longer used if consent is withdrawn.bidRequest.userId
) is made available to Prebid.js adapters and Prebid Server S2S adapters.bidRequest.userId
, bidRequest.userIdAsEids
is made available to Prebid.js adapters and Prebid Server S2S adapters. bidRequest.userIdAsEids
has userIds in ORTB EIDS format.Note that User IDs aren’t needed in the mobile app world because device ID is available in those ad serving scenarios.
Note that not all bidder adapters support all forms of user ID. See the tables below for a list of which bidders support which ID schemes.
As of Prebid 4.0, this module will attempt storage in the main domain of the publisher’s website instead of a subdomain, unless this behavior is overriden by a submodule.
When paired with the Consent Management module, privacy rules are enforced:
In addition, individual users may opt-out of receiving cookies and HTML5 local storage by setting these values:
cookie or HTML5 local storage. The value can be anything – if it exists, the user is considered opted out and no userId modules will fire._pubcid_optout
cookie or HTML5 local storage. This is for backwards compatibility with the original PubCommonID module, as of 5.0 known as the SharedId module. Likewise, the value can be anything.Without third-party cookies, mechanisms like the NAI don’t work, so some publishers may want to implement a first party opt-out so their users aren’t tagged with first party cookies containing IDs.
Publishers that want to do this should design their workflow and then set _pbjs_id_optout
cookie or HTML5 local storage. For instance:
to any value._pbjs_id_optout
cookie with any value.By including this module and one or more of the sub-modules, a number of new options become available in setConfig()
under the userSync
object as attributes of the userIds
of sub-objects.
Publishers using Google AdManager may want to sync one of the identifiers as their Google PPID for frequency capping or reporting. The PPID in GAM (which is unrelated to the PPID UserId Submodule) has strict rules; refer to Google AdManager documentation for them. Please note, Prebid uses a [GPT command] ( to sync identifiers for publisher convenience. It doesn’t currently work for instream video requests, as Prebid typically interacts with the player, which in turn may interact with IMA. IMA does has a [similar method] ( as GPT, but IMA does not gather this ID from GPT.
Param under userSync | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
ppid | Optional | String | Must be a source from the pbjs.getUserIdsAsEids() array | "" |
The table below has the options that are common across ID systems. See the sections below for specific configuration needed by each system and examples.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | May be: "admixerId" , "qid" , "adtelligentId" , "akamaiDAPId" , "amxId" , "britepoolId" , "criteo" , "fabrickId" , "flocId" , "hadronId" , "id5id" , identityLink , "idx" , "intentIqId" , "justId" , "liveIntentId" , "lotamePanoramaId" , "merkleId" , "naveggId" , "mwOpenLinkId" , "netId" , "novatiqId" , "parrableId" , "quantcastId" , "pubProvidedId" , "sharedId" , "tapadId" , "unifiedId" ,"uid2" , "verizonMediaId" , "zeotapIdPlus" |
"unifiedId" |
params | Based on User ID sub-module | Object | ||
bidders | Optional | Array of Strings | An array of bidder codes to which this user ID may be sent. | ['bidderA', 'bidderB'] |
storage | Optional | Object | The publisher can specify some kind of local storage in which to store the results of the call to get the user ID. This can be either cookie or HTML5 storage. This is not needed when value is specified or the ID system is managing its own storage |
storage.type | Required | String | Must be either "cookie" or "html5" . This is where the results of the user ID will be stored. |
"cookie" | | Required | String | The name of the cookie or html5 local storage where the user ID will be stored. | "_unifiedId" |
storage.expires | Strongly Recommended | Integer | How long (in days) the user ID information will be stored. If this parameter isn’t specified, session cookies are used in cookie-mode, and local storage mode will create new IDs on every page. | 365 |
storage.refreshInSeconds | Optional | Integer | The amount of time (in seconds) the user ID should be cached in storage before calling the provider again to retrieve a potentially updated value for their user ID. If set, this value should equate to a time period less than the number of days defined in storage.expires . By default the ID will not be refreshed until it expires. |
value | Optional | Object | Used only if the page has a separate mechanism for storing a User ID. The value is an object containing the values to be sent to the adapters. | {"tdid": "1111", "IDP": "IDP-2233", "id5id": {"uid": "ID5-12345"}} |
Publishers can control which user ids are shared with the bid adapters they choose to work with by using the bidders array. The bidders array is part of the User id module config, publisher may choose to send an id to some bidders but not all, the default behavior is that each user id go to all bid adapters the publisher is working with.
Use the optional bidders
parameter to define an array of bidder codes to which this user ID may be sent.
In this example the SharedID sub adapter is only allowed to be sent to the Rubicon adapter.
userIds: [
name: "sharedId",
bidders: [
params: {
syncTime: 60, // in seconds
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "sharedid",
expires: 28 // in days
The Rubicon bid adapter would then receive
"bidder": "rubicon",
"userId": {
"sharedid": {
"id": "01*******",
"third": "01E*******"
"userIdAsEids": [
"source": "",
"uids": [
"id": "01**********",
"atype": 1,
"ext": {
"third": "01***********"
The Akamai Data Activation Platform (DAP) is a privacy-first system that protects end-user privacy by only allowing them to be targeted as part of a larger cohort. DAP views hiding individuals in large cohorts as the best mechanism to prevent unauthorized tracking.
The integration of DAP into Prebid.JS consists of creating a UserID plugin that interacts with the DAP API. The UserID module tokenizes the end-user identity into an ephemeral, secure pseudonymization called a dapId. The dapId is then supplied to the bid-stream where the SSP partner looks up cohort membership for that token, and supplies the cohorts to the rest of the bid-stream.
In this system, no end-user identifier is supplied to the bid-stream, only cohorts. This is a foundational privacy principal DAP is built upon.
First, make sure to add the DAP submodule to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build --modules=akamaiDAPIdSystem,userId
The following configuration parameters are available:
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'akamaiDAPId',
params: {
apiHostname: '<see your Akamai account rep>',
domain: '',
type: 'email' | 'mobile' | ... | 'dap-signature:1.0.0',
identity: ‘’ | ‘6175551234' | ...,
apiVersion: 'v1' | 'x1',
attributes: '{ "cohorts": [ "3:14400", "5:14400", "7:0" ],"first_name": "...","last_name": "..." }'
auctionDelay: 50 // 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
In order to make use of v1 APIs, “apiVersion” needs to explicitly mention ‘v1’. The “apiVersion” defaults to x1 if not specified. “attributes” can be configured in x1 API only and not v1 APIs. Please ensure that the “attributes” value is in same format as shown above.
Contact account rep) for apiHostname.
Admixer ID, provided by [Admixer] (, is a universal ID solution that doesn’t rely on 3rd party cookies and helps publishers and advertisers to recognize users across various browsers and environments. Our sub adapter takes deterministic signals like email and phone as input and returns an anonymous id that unlocks access to a wide range of Admixer’s demand sources, amplifying audience segmentation, targeting and measurement.
The Admixer privacy policy is at
Add Admixer ID module to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=admixerIdSystem
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "admixerId" |
"admixerId" |
params | Required | Object | Details for admixer initialization. | | | Optional | String | id provided by admixer | “458frgde-djd7-3ert-gyhu-12fghy76dnmko” |
params.e | Optional | String | The hashed email address of a user. We can accept the hashes, which use the following hashing algorithms: md5, sha1, sha256. | “3d400b57e069c993babea0bd9efa79e5dc698e16c042686569faae20391fd7ea” |
params.p | Optional | String | The hashed phone number of a user. We can accept the hashes, which use the following hashing algorithms: md5, sha1, sha256. | “05de6c07eb3ea4bce45adca4e0182e771d80fbb99e12401416ca84ddf94c3eb9” |
1) Individual params may be set for the Admixer ID Submodule.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "admixerId",
storage: {
name: "admixerId",
type: "cookie",
expires: 30
params: {
pid: "4D393FAC-B6BB-4E19-8396-0A4813607316", // example id
e: "3d400b57e069c993babea0bd9efa79e5dc698e16c042686569faae20391fd7ea", // example hashed email (sha256)
p: "05de6c07eb3ea4bce45adca4e0182e771d80fbb99e12401416ca84ddf94c3eb9" //example hashed phone (sha256)
auctionDelay: 50 // 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
The adQuery QiD is a first-party identifier designed for publishers using the Adquery adapter. For more information please contact
First, add the adQuery QiD module to your Prebid.js build:
gulp build --modules=userId,adqueryIdSystem
Then configure the qui in your userSync
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'qid',
storage: {
name: 'qid',
type: 'html5',
expires: 365,
This will add a userId.qid
property to all bidRequests. This will be read by the Adquery bid adapter, and any other adapters that support EIDs:
qid: 'p9v2dpnuckkzhuc92i'
The Adtelligent ID system is a unique per-session user identifier for providing high quality DMP data for advertisers
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,adtelligentIdSystem
adtelligentIdSystem adapter doesn’t require any configuration or storage params. The adapter performs asynchronously and to achieve better performance it is recommended to set the storage
object refreshInSeconds
to a short period, such as ten minutes. At the end of the set storage refresh the adapter will refresh its configuration.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'adtelligent'
Example with a short storage for ~10 minutes and refresh in 5 minutes:
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'adtelligent',
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "adt_id",
refreshInSeconds: 60 * 5
The AMX RTB ID is a first-party identifier designed for publishers using the AMX RTB adapter. For more information please contact
First, add the AMX RTB ID module to your Prebid.js build:
gulp build --modules=userId,amxIdSystem
Then configure the amxId in your userSync
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'amxId',
storage: {
name: 'amxId',
type: 'html5',
expires: 14,
This will add a userId.amxId
property to all bidRequests. This will be read by the AMX RTB bid adapter, and any other adapters that support EIDs:
amxId: '3ca11058-ecbc-419f-bda7-b52fe7baf02a'
The BritePool ID is a persistent identifier that enables identity resolution for people-based marketing in the cookieless world. Every BritePool ID is associated with a real identity. As a result, publishers, SSPs and DSPs that integrate with BritePool, or automated integration partners (such as PubMatic), are able to maximize revenues without cookies. As addressable individuals visit publisher websites and mobile apps, the BritePool IDs associated with these identities are passed into the bidstream; enabling advertisers to transact against these BritePool ID’s and publishers to maximize the revenues associated with their inventory and audience. The BritePool ID combines consumer privacy with easy, rapid integration for publishers and does not significantly increase the computing resources required of DSPs and SSPs.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=britepoolIdSystem
Please reach out to and request your api_key
The BritePool privacy policy is at
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "britepoolId" |
"britepoolId" |
params | Required | Object | Details for britepool initialization. | |
params.api_key | Required | String | BritePool API Key provided by BritePool | “458frgde-djd7-3ert-gyhu-12fghy76dnmko” |
params.url | Optional | String | BritePool API url | “” |
params.identifier | Required | String | Where identifier in the params object is the key name. At least one identifier is required. Available Identifiers aaid dtid idfa ilid luid mmid msid mwid rida ssid hash |
params.ssid params.aaid |
1) Individual params may be set for the BritePool User ID Submodule. At least one identifier must be set in the params.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "britepoolId",
storage: {
name: "britepoolid",
type: "cookie",
expires: 30
params: {
url: "", // optional. used for testing
api_key: "xxx", // provided by britepool
hash: "yyyy", // example identifier
ssid: "r894hvfnviurfincdejkencjcv" // example identifier
syncDelay: 3000 // 3 seconds after the first auction
Criteo is the leading advertising platform for the Open Internet. The Criteo ID for Exchanges module enables publishers to access Criteo’s unique demand - more than 20.000 advertisers & brands - to monetize their exchange inventory with an optimal take rate across all browsing environments. Note that direct access to that demand is also available through Criteo Direct Bidder, in which case this module is unnecessary.
The Criteo privacy policy is at
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=criteoIdSystem
The Criteo ID module does not require any configuration parameters. It should work as-is provided that bidders use it in their adapters.
When calling Criteo RTB, partners should forward this id in the field user.ext.prebid_criteoid
NOTE: For optimal performance, the Criteo Id module should be called at every opportunity. It embeds its own optimal caching mechanism. It’s best not to use
with this module as it may only lower the performances. If you are using multiple id systems, however, you may use it for the other id systems that supports it.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "criteo",
DAC ID, provided by D.A.Consortium Inc., is ID for ad targeting by using 1st party cookie. Please contact D.A.Consortium Inc. before using this ID.
Add the DAC ID to your Prebid.js Package with:
gulp build –modules=dacIdSystem
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module | "dacId" |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'dacId'
The DeepIntent Healthcare Marketing Platform is the first and only DSP that combines real-world health data, premium partnerships, and custom integrations to reach patients and providers across any device. DeepIntent empowers publishers to maximize their inventory, collaborate and transact directly with advertisers, and grow their business in a safe, controlled, transparent, and privacy-compliant way. Our publisher partners sell inventory on every channel via real-time bidding or conducting one-to-one trading with hundreds of the country’s leading healthcare brands and agencies.
DeepIntent’s DPES ID is a shared user identifier built for healthcare marketers and publishers integrated within DeepIntent’s Healthcare Marketplace. The DPES ID lets users protect and manage their privacy throughout the advertising value chain. User data written and associated with the DPES ID is not stored on DeepIntent’s servers. Instead, this data is stored in a decentralized way on a user’s browser. Users can still opt out of the ads by navigating to
DPES ID is free to use and requires a simple registration with DeepIntent. Please reach out to DeepIntent’s Publisher Development team at to learn more and get started. Once a publisher registers with DeepIntent’s platform, DeepIntent will provide a simple code snippet to be integrated with the publisher’s website. This code snippet will capture and store information per the publisher’s end user agreement. The DPES User ID module uses the DPES ID by passing it within the DeepIntent Prebid adapter.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module: "deepintentId" |
"deepintentId" |
storage | Required | Object | Storage settings for how the User Id module will cache the Deepintent ID locally | |
storage.type | Required | String | This is where the results of the user ID will be stored. Deepintent"html5" or "cookie" . |
"html5" | | Optional | String | The name of the local storage where the user ID will be stored. Deepintent | "_dpes_id" |
storage.expires | Optional | Integer | How long (in days) the user ID information will be stored. Deepintent recommends 90 . |
90 |
1) Publisher stores the hashed identity from healthcare identity in cookie
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'deepintentId',
storage: {
type: 'cookie', // "html5" is the required storage type option is "html5"
name: '_dpes_id',
expires: 90 // storage lasts for 90 days, optional if storage type is html5
auctionDelay: 50 // 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
2) Publisher stores the hashed identity from healthcare identity in localstorage
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'deepintentId',
storage: {
type: 'html5' // "html5" is the required storage type option is "html5"
name: '_dpes_id'
auctionDelay: 50 // 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
DMD is the preeminent supplier of US-based healthcare professional (HCP) identity data to the pharmaceutical, health system and medical publishing industries. DMD is the only data provider that has acquired its deterministic identity data through a fully consented, first-party, opt-in process. DMD’s privacy policy that can be found at Privacy Policy.
For assistance setting up your module, please contact us at
Add the DMD ID to your Prebid.js Package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,dmdIdSystem
Please reach out to to request your api_key
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of Module | "dmdId" |
storage | Required | Object | || | Required | String | dmd-dgid |
params | Required | Object | Container of all module params. | |
params.api_key | Required | String | This is your api_key as provided by DMD Marketing Corp. |
3fdbe297-3690-4f5c-9e11-ee9186a6d77c |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'dmdId',
params: {
api_key: '3fdbe297-3690-4f5c-9e11-ee9186a6d77c' // provided to you by DMD
Neustar Fabrick™ is a unified identity ecosystem that powers connections between brands, publishers, and consumers to accelerate marketing performance across online and offline channels.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=fabrickIdSystem
Please reach out to to request your apiKey
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | "fabrickId" |
params | Required | Object | Container of all module params. | |
params.apiKey | Required | String | This is your apiKey as provided by Neustar. | |
params.e | String | This is a hashed email address used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. | ||
params.p | String | This is a hashed phone number used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. | ||
params.i4 | String | This is an IPv4 address used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. | ||
params.i6 | String | This is an IPv6 address used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. | ||
params.m | String | This is a mobile advertising ID (IDFA/AAID) used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. | ||
params.ia | String | This is an identifier for advertising (IFA) used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. | ||
params.iv | String | This is an identifier for vendors (IFV) used to link a user to their Fabrick ID. |
1) Publisher passes an apiKey and hashed email address and elects to store the Fabrick ID envelope in a cookie.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'fabrickId',
params: {
apiKey: '123456789', // provided to you by Neustar
e: '31c5543c1734d25c7206f5fd591525d0295bec6fe84ff82f946a34fe970a1e66' // example hashed email address (sha256)
storage: {
name: 'pbjs_fabrickId',
type: 'cookie',
expires: 7
2) Publisher passes an apiKey and hashed email address and elects to store the fabrickId envelope in HTML5 localStorage.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'fabrickId',
params: {
apiKey: '123456789', // provided to you by Neustar
e: '31c5543c1734d25c7206f5fd591525d0295bec6fe84ff82f946a34fe970a1e66' // example hashed email address (sha256)
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "pbjs_fabrickId",
expires: 7
The Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) system provides a privacy-preserving mechanism for interest-based ad selection. As a user moves around the web, their browser uses the FLoC algorithm to work out an “interest cohort”, which will be the same for thousands of browsers with a similar recent browsing history. The user’s browser is associated with one interest cohort at a time and recalculates its cohort periodically (currently once every seven days during this initial origin trial) on the user’s device, without sharing individual browsing data with the browser vendor or anyone else.
There are two important things to note when using the FLoC Userid Sub adapter.
Unlike other user id subadapters FLoC ids cannot be stored in a cookie or Local Storage. FLoC ids change periodically and should always be fetched from the FLoC API
The function (getGlobal()).getUserIds
into the bid request NOT userid.userIdAsEids
To include the FLoC user id module use:
$ gulp build --modules=flocIdSystem
Note: FLoC is still in a trial period. How to take part in the FLoC origin trial. During the trial, a token is required. Publishers may get their own token or use sharedid’s token if they choose. Use this without the line breaks: A3dHTSoNUMjjERBLlrvJSelNnwWUCwVQhZ5tNQ+sll7y+LkPPVZXtB77u2y7CweRIxiYaGw GXNlW1/dFp8VMEgIAAAB+eyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3NoYXJlZGlkLm9yZzo0NDMiLC JmZWF0dXJlIjoiSW50ZXJlc3RDb2hvcnRBUEkiLCJleHBpcnkiOjE2MjYyMjA3OTksImlzU 3ViZG9tYWluIjp0cnVlLCJpc1RoaXJkUGFydHkiOnRydWV9
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | "flocId" |
params | Required | Object | Container of all module params. | |
params.token | Required | String | This is your apiKey as provided by Chrome. This value is required during the origin trial phase but will be optional once the origin trial ends. Publishers may use sharedid’s registered token if they choose. | A3dHTSo... |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "flocId",
params: {
"token": "Registered token" // see above for sharedId's FLoC token
syncDelay: 3000 // 3 seconds after the first auction
The FTrack Identity Framework (“FTrack”) User ID Module allows publishers to take advantage of Flashtalking’s FTrack ID during the bidding process.
Flashtalking’s cookieless tracking technology uses probabilistic device recognition to derive a privacy-friendly persistent ID for each device.
Questions? Comments? Bugs? Praise? Please contact FlashTalking’s Prebid Support at
Complete information available on the Flashtalking privacy policy page.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'FTrack',
params: {
url: '' // required, if not populated ftrack will not run
storage: {
type: 'html5', // "html5" is the required storage type
name: 'FTrackId', // "FTrackId" is the required storage name
expires: 90, // storage lasts for 90 days
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600 // refresh ID every 8 hours to ensure it's fresh
auctionDelay: 50 // 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module: "FTrack" |
"FTrack" |
storage | Required | Object | Storage settings for how the User ID module will cache the FTrack ID locally | |
storage.type | Required | String | This is where the results of the user ID will be stored. FTrack requires "html5" . |
"html5" | | Required | String | The name of the local storage where the user ID will be stored. FTrack requires "FTrackId" . |
"FTrackId" |
storage.expires | Optional | Integer | How long (in days) the user ID information will be stored. FTrack recommends 90 . |
90 |
storage.refreshInSeconds | Optional | Integer | How many seconds until the FTrack ID will be refreshed. FTrack strongly recommends 8 hours between refreshes | 8*3600 |
Audigent is a next-generation data management platform and a first-of-a-kind “data agency” containing some of the most exclusive content-consuming audiences across desktop, mobile and social platforms. Our HadronId module allows for user id resolution and Audigent user data segmentation to be retrieved for users across the web. For assistance setting up your module please contact us at
Add the Hadron ID system to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,hadronIdSystem
Add HadronId to the userSync configuration.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'hadronId',
storage: {
name: 'hadronId',
type: 'html5'
The request.userId.hadronId
will contain the Audigent HadronId:
"hadronId": "0201chpvai07jv2yg08xizqr0bwpa1w0evvmq014d2ykn0b5oe"
The following configuration parameters are available:
Param under usersync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | ID value for the HadronID module - "hadronId" |
"hadronId" |
params | Optional | Object | Used to store params for the HadronId system | |
params.url | Optional | String | Set an alternate GET url for HadronId with this parameter | |
params.urlArg | Optional | Object | Optional url parameter for params.url |
ID+, powered by zeotap, enables the marketing ecosystem to overcome challenges posed by the demise of identifiers and a fast-changing regulatory landscape. ID+ is an open invitation to the entire industry to build the future of identity together.
This sub-module enables the user’s ID+ to be available in the bid request.
More information on ID+ can be found here:
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=zeotapIdPlusIdSystem
You can set up your ID+ account by contacting our support team at or via and we will get back to you.
ID+ is covered under zeotap privacy policy: Zeotap Privacy Policy.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "zeotapIdPlus"
The ID5 ID is a shared, neutral identifier that publishers and ad tech platforms can use to recognise users even in environments where 3rd party cookies are not available. The ID5 ID is designed to respect users’ privacy choices and publishers’ preferences throughout the advertising value chain. For more information about the ID5 ID and detailed integration docs, please visit our documentation.
The ID5 ID is free to use, but requires a simple registration with ID5. Please visit our website to sign up and request your ID5 Partner Number to get started.
The ID5 privacy policy is at
First, make sure to add the ID5 submodule to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=id5IdSystem,userId
The following configuration parameters are available:
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module: "id5Id" |
"id5Id" |
params | Required | Object | Details for the ID5 ID. | |
params.partner | Required | Number | This is the ID5 Partner Number obtained from registering with ID5. | 173 |
params.pd | Optional | String | Partner-supplied data used for linking ID5 IDs across domains. See our documentation for details on generating the string. Omit the parameter or leave as an empty string if no data to supply | "MT1iNTBjY..." |
params.abTesting | Optional | Object | Allows publishers to easily run an A/B Test. If enabled and the user is in the Control Group, the ID5 ID will NOT be exposed to bid adapters for that request | Disabled by default |
params.abTesting.enabled | Optional | Boolean | Set this to true to turn on this feature |
true or false |
params.abTesting.controlGroupPct | Optional | Number | Must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive) and is used to determine the percentage of requests that fall into the control group (and thus not exposing the ID5 ID). For example, a value of 0.20 will result in 20% of requests without an ID5 ID and 80% with an ID. |
0.1 |
NOTE: The ID5 ID that is delivered to Prebid will be encrypted by ID5 with a rotating key to avoid unauthorized usage and to enforce privacy requirements. Therefore, we strongly recommend setting storage.refreshInSeconds
to 8
hours (8*3600
seconds) or less to ensure all demand partners receive an ID that has been encrypted with the latest key, has up-to-date privacy signals, and allows them to transact against it.
Publishers may want to test the value of the ID5 ID with their downstream partners. While there are various ways to do this, A/B testing is a standard approach. Instead of publishers manually enabling or disabling the ID5 User ID Module based on their control group settings (which leads to fewer calls to ID5, reducing our ability to recognize the user), we have baked this in to our module directly.
To turn on A/B Testing, simply edit the configuration (see above table) to enable it and set what percentage of users you would like to set for the control group. The control group is the set of user where an ID5 ID will not be exposed in to bid adapters or in the various user id functions available on the pbjs
global. An additional value of ext.abTestingControlGroup
will be set to true
or false
that can be used to inform reporting systems that the user was in the control group or not. It’s important to note that the control group is user based, and not request based. In other words, from one page view to another, a user will always be in or out of the control group.
ATTENTION: As of Prebid.js v4.14.0, ID5 requires storage.type
to be "html5"
to be "id5id"
. Using other values will display a warning today, but in an upcoming release, it will prevent the ID5 module from loading. This change is to ensure the ID5 module in Prebid.js interoperates properly with the ID5 API and to reduce the size of publishers’ first-party cookies that are sent to their web servers. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
Publisher wants to retrieve the ID5 ID through Prebid.js
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'id5Id',
params: {
partner: 173, // change to the Partner Number you received from ID5
pd: 'MT1iNTBjY...', // optional, see table above for a link to how to generate this
abTesting: { // optional
enabled: true, // false by default
controlGroupPct: 0.1 // valid values are 0.0 - 1.0 (inclusive)
storage: {
type: 'html5', // "html5" is the required storage type
name: 'id5id', // "id5id" is the required storage name
expires: 90, // storage lasts for 90 days
refreshInSeconds: 8*3600 // refresh ID every 8 hours to ensure it's fresh
auctionDelay: 50 // 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
IDx, a universal ID solution provided by Retargetly, is the evolution of digital identifiers for the Latin American region. Through a proprietary identity graph, it allows publishers, advertisers, and ad tech platforms to recognize users across domains and devices even where third party cookies aren’t available.
The IDx platform is designed with privacy at its core and allows for nearly every conceivable digital use case including but not limited to audience targeting, retargeting, frequency management, personalization, and total reach reporting.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=idxIdSystem
If you are a publisher or an advertiser, then IDx is free to use but requires a simple registration process. To do this, please send an email to to request your IDx Partner ID.
We may ask for some basic information from you before approving your request. For more information on IDx, please visit
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "idx" |
"idx" |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "idx"
IM-UID, provided by Intimate Merger, is a universal identifier that designed for publishers, platforms and advertisers to perform segmentation and targeting even in environments where 3rd party cookies are not available. IM-UID is currently only available in Japan.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=imuIdSystem
Please visit and request your Customer ID to get started.
The Intimate Merger privacy policy is at
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | "imuid" |
params | Required | Object | Details of module params. | |
params.cid | Required | Number | This is the Customer ID value obtained via Intimate Merger. | 5126 |
params.url | Optional | String | Use this to change the default endpoint URL. | "" |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "imuid",
params: {
cid: 5126 // Set your Intimate Merger Customer ID here for production
Intent IQ’s universal ID with its unparalleled coverage of over 80% of ad inventory, protects publishers’ ability to rely on advertising as their main revenue source while preserving user privacy in a third party cookieless world.
The universal ID is an Intent IQ generated alphanumeric characters ID representing a person. This ID is not matched with personal information and remains anonymous to Intent IQ.
Intent IQ universal ID enables partners - publishers, SSPs, DSPs, DMPs and advertisers to support, in a privacy-friendly way, and on a person level, core elements of the advertising business model -
Intent IQ’s universal ID works across IP addresses and user-agent changes.
Intent IQ’s universal ID truly stands out in the coverage and accuracy it provides. Intent IQ’s universal ID covers over 80% of ad inventory with 90% accuracy. By contrast, third-party cookies offer 56% coverage and log-in solutions offer coverage of less than 20%.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=intentIqIdSystem
You can set up Intent IQ ID by contacting our operations team at Intent IQ Contact Us and getting your partner id.
The Intent IQ ID privacy is covered under the Intent IQ Privacy Policy.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "intentIqId" |
"intentIqId" |
params | Required for IntentIqId | Object | Details for IntentIqId initialization. | |
params.partner | Required | String | This is the partner ID value obtained from registering with IntentIQ. | "1177538" |
params.pcid | Optional | String | This is the partner cookie ID, it is a dynamic value attached to the request. | "g3hC52b" |
params.pai | Optional | String | This is the partner customer ID / advertiser ID, it is a dynamic value attached to the request. | "advertiser1" |
NOTE: The Intent IQ ID is encrypted with a key that changes every several hours. Demand partners utilize the latest key to decrypt the ID and use it. Therefore, to enable demand partners have an ID they can use, we highly recommend calling Intent IQ every 4 hours by setting storage.refreshInSeconds to 4 hours (4*3600 seconds)
1) Publisher has a partner ID from Intent IQ and cookies.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "intentIqId",
params: {
partner: 123456 // valid partner id
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "intentIqId", // create a cookie with this name
expires: 60, // cookie can last for 60 days
refreshInSeconds: 4*3600 // refresh ID every 4 hours to ensure it's fresh
syncDelay: 3000 // 3 seconds after the first auction
2) Publisher supports Intent IQ and HTML5 local storage.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "intentIqId",
params: {
partner: 123456 // valid partner id
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "intentIqId", // set localstorage with this name
expires: 60,
refreshInSeconds: 4*3600 // refresh ID every 4 hours to ensure it's fresh
syncDelay: 3000
3) Publisher supports IntentIQ and HTML5 local storage with extra dynamic params such as ‘pcid’ and ‘pai’.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "intentIqId",
params: {
partner: 123456 // valid partner id
pcid: PCID_VARIABLE // string value, dynamically loaded into a variable before setting the configuration
pai: PAI_VARIABLE // string value, dynamically loaded into a variable before setting the configuration
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "intentIqId", // set localstorage with this name
expires: 60
syncDelay: 3000
Justtag Group is a European, privacy focused DMP and segment provider. Having a leading position in Poland and growing presence in the CEE region, we created Just ID - an alternative ID solution, designed to respect users’ privacy choices which doesn’t rely on 3rd party cookies. Our aim is to help Publishers and Advertisers to recognize users across various environments and enable ad-tech market players with a smooth transition into post 3rd party cookie era.
BASIC - In this mode we rely on Justtag library that already exists on publisher page. Typicaly that library expose global variable called __atm
COMBINED - Just ID generation process may differ between various cases depends on publishers. This mode combines our js library with prebid for ease of integration
If you have any questions about Just ID, please reach out by emailing
Param under usersync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | ID of the module - 'justId' |
'justId' |
params | Optional | Object | Details for Just ID syncing. | |
params.mode | Optional | String | Mode in which the module works. Available Modes: 'COMBINED' , 'BASIC' (default) |
params.atmVarName | Optional | String | Name of global object property that point to Justtag ATM Library. Defaults to '__atm' |
'__atm' |
params.url | Optional | String | API Url, required in COMBINED mode |
'' |
params.partner | Optional | String | This is the Justtag Partner Id which may be required in some custom integrations with Justtag | 'some-publisher' |
ex. 1. Mode COMBINED
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'justId',
params: {
mode: 'COMBINED',
url: ''
ex. 2. Mode BASIC
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'justId'
This module in COMBINED
mode loads external JavaScript to generate optimal quality user ID. It is possible to retrieve user ID, without loading additional script by this module in BASIC
Kinesso ID solution is a new approach to persistent cross domain authentication.
The Kinesso identity solution creates a persistent cross domain authenticated user id that is then used to link users with their interest signals (commonly known as segments). The Kinesso user ID (knsso) is never broadcast into the bid stream. Instead it is sent to a server side data store, merged with accompanying data from the Prebid Id Library and shipped to Kinesso. All data is encrypted at rest and in transit so your identifiers are never stored or transmitted in an insecure manner.
The Kinesso ID sub adapter sets two cookies, one as a third party cookie and the other as a first party cookie in the publisher’s domain. These cookies are merged with the user’s hashed email address (when present) server side and sent to Kinesso. The combined output looks like this:
kpuid | knsso | hid | account_id | created on |
<my_1pc> |
<my_3pc> |
<my_hashed_email> |
<my_ssp_accountid> |
<my_birthday> |
Kinesso will then attach these users to deals ids that they will target in the ORTB bid stream by brands and agencies represented by IPG.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=kinessoIdSystem
You can set up Kinesso ID sub adapter by contacting Kinesso at
The Kinesso ID privacy policy is covered under the Kinesso Privacy Notice. Please note, at present the Kinesso ID module is not meant for use inside the EEA.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | 'kpuid' |
params | Required | Object | Details for KinessoId initialization | |
params.accountid | Required | Int | Your SSP Account Id | 123 |
LiveIntent offers audience resolution by leveraging our next-generation identity solutions. The LiveIntent identity graph is built around a people-based set of data that is authenticated daily through active engagements with email newsletters and media across the web. The LiveIntent nonID is a user identifier tied to an active, encrypted email in our graph and functions in cookie-challenged environments and browsers.
There are two ways to build your Prebid.js package to include the LiveIntent nonID:
Add the full LiveIntent Identity module to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,liveIntentIdSystem
Add the minimal LiveIntent Identity module to your Prebid.js package with:
LiveConnectMode=minimal gulp build –modules=liveIntentIdSystem
The request.userId.lipb
object would look like:
"lipbid": "T7JiRRvsRAmh88",
"segments": ["999"]
The adapters can be implemented to use the lipbid as the identifier and segments to which that identifier is associated with. To enable identity resolution for a specific publisher, LiveIntent builds a model on the backend with data collected via an additional call issued on each page load.
Please register with us if you’re not already a LiveIntent customer:
LiveIntent’s privacy policies for the services rendered can be found at
The LiveIntent ID sub-module resolves the identity of audiences by connecting impression opportunities to a stable identifier - the nonID. In order to provide resolution one or more first-party cookies are used to create a stable identifier.
How does LiveIntent ID sub-module decide, which first-party cookies to use:
The LiveIntent ID sub-module sends the defined identifiers to the identity graph, which processes them and creates a nonID. The parameters being sent are described here
For the identity resolution the LiveIntent ID sub-module makes a request to LiveIntent’s identity resolution API, which returns a nonID and the audience segment(s) a user belongs to. The nonID and the segment ID are then exposed by the Prebid User ID Module to Prebid adapters to be sent out in a bid request. An SSP can then make the impression opportunity available to any buyers targeting the segment.
The first-party cookie generation and identity resolution functionality is provided by the LiveConnect JS library, included within the LiveIntent ID sub-module. LiveIntent has created a shared library that is open source, available at
The LiveIntent ID sub-module follows the standard Prebid.js initialization based on the GDPR consumer opt-out choices. With regard to CCPA, the LiveConnect JS receives a us_privacy string from the Prebid US Privacy Consent Management Module and respects opt-outs.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | 'liveIntentId' |
params | Required | Object | Container of all module params. | |
params.publisherId | Optional | String | The unique identifier for each publisher (for existing LiveIntent customers) | '12432415' |
params.ajaxTimeout | Optional | Number | This configuration parameter defines the maximum duration of a call to the IdentityResolution endpoint. By default, 1000 milliseconds. | 1000 |
params.partner | Optional | String | The name of the partner whose data will be returned in the response. | 'prebid' |
params.identifiersToResolve | Optional | Array[String] | Used to send additional identifiers in the request for LiveIntent to resolve against the LiveIntent ID. | ['my-id'] |
params.emailHash | Optional | String | The hashed email address of a user. We can accept the hashes, which use the following hashing algorithms: md5, sha1, sha2. | 1a79a4d60de6718e8e5b326e338ae533 |
params.url | Optional | String | Use this to change the default endpoint URL if you can call the LiveIntent Identity Exchange within your own domain. | '' |
params.liCollectConfig | Optional | Object | Container of all collector params. | |
params.liCollectConfig.fpiStorageStrategy | Optional | String | This parameter defines whether the first party identifiers that LiveConnect creates and updates are stored in a cookie jar, or in local storage. If nothing is set, default behaviour would be cookie . Allowed values: [cookie , ls , none ] |
'cookie' |
params.liCollectConfig.fpiExpirationDays | Optional | Number | The expiration time of an identifier created and updated by LiveConnect.By default, 730 days. | 729 |
params.liCollectConfig.collectorUrl | Optional | String | The parameter defines where the signal pixels are pointing to. The params and paths will be defined subsequently. If the parameter is not set, LiveConnect will by default emit the signal towards . |
'' |
params.liCollectConfig.appId | Optional | String | LiveIntent’s media business entity application id. | 'a-0012' |
storage | Required | Object | This object defines where and for how long the results of the call to get a user ID will be stored. | |
storage.type | Required | String | This parameter defines where the resolved user ID will be stored (either 'cookie' or 'html5' localstorage). |
'cookie' | | Required | String | The name of the cookie or html5 localstorage where the resolved user ID will be stored. | 'pbjs_li_nonid' |
storage.expires | Recommended | Integer | How long (in days) the user ID information will be stored. The recommended value is 1 |
1 |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "liveIntentId",
params: {
publisherId: "9896876"
storage: {
type: “cookie”,
name: “pbjs_li_nonid”, //create a cookie with this name
expires: 1 // cookie is stored for 1 day
array in the configuration parameters.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "liveIntentId",
params: {
publisherId: "9896876",
identifiersToResolve: ["my-own-cookie"]
storage: {
type: “cookie”,
name: “pbjs_li_nonid”, //create a cookie with this name
expires: 1 // cookie is stored for 1 day
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "liveIntentId",
params: {
publisherId: "9896876",
identifiersToResolve: ["my-own-cookie"],
url: "",
partner: "prebid",
ajaxTimeout: 1000,
liCollectConfig: {
fpiStorageStrategy: "cookie",
fpiExpirationDays: 730,
collectorUrl: "",
appId: "a-0012"
storage: {
type: “cookie”,
name: “pbjs_li_nonid”, //create a cookie with this name
expires: 1 // cookie is stored for 1 day
Lotame Panorama is a suite of data-enrichment solutions for digital advertising that empowers marketers, agencies, publishers and media companies to transform consumer personas into addressable audiences. At the heart of Lotame Panorama is the Panorama ID, a people-based identifier powered by deterministic and probabilistic data, available across the cookie-challenged web and all browsers.
Lotame’s Panorama ID module sends information from the request to its identity graph in order to successfully generate a Panorama ID. For more information on how the Panorama ID works, please visit
Ease of Implementation: Deployment of the Lotame Panorama ID module has been optimized for ease by not requiring any registration to utilize. Simply add the generic module to start producing the Panorama ID across your inventory. Clients who would like the advantage of additional options can register to receive their own client ID. Reach out to to learn more about the optional registration.
Lotame’s privacy policy related to the Panorama ID and the collection of data and how data is used is available at Consult with your legal counsel to determine the appropriate user disclosures with respect to use of the Lotame Panorama ID module.
If you have any questions about Panorama ID, please reach out by emailing
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=lotamePanoramaIdSystem
The Lotame Panorama ID module does not require any configuration parameters. It should work as-is provided that bidders use it in their adapters.
NOTE: For optimal performance, the Lotame Panorama Id module should be called at every opportunity. It is best not to use
with this module as the module has its own optimal caching mechanism.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of the module | “lotamePanoramaId” |
params | Optional | Object | Configuration options for the Lotame Panorama ID Module | |
params.clientId | Optional | String | The Lotame Panorama Client ID | “1001” |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "lotamePanoramaId",
params: {
clientId: "Optional - See your Lotame Representative"
MediaWallah’s openLink is an anonymous person based ID that enables buyers and sellers of media to connect a person and their devices across the web and mobile apps. openLink facilities the buying of media between DSPs, SSPs and publishers.
Add support for MediaWallah OpenLinkID to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,mwOpenLinkIdSystem
MediaWallah requires the creation of an accountId a partnerId in order to take advantage of openLink. Please contact your partner resource to get these Ids provisioned.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | 'mwOpenLinkId' |
params | Required | Object | Details for mwOLID syncing. | |
params.accountId | Required | String | The MediaWallah assigned Account Id | 1000 |
params.partnerId | Required | String | The MediaWallah assign partner Id | '1001' |
params.uid | Optional | String | Your unique Id for the user or browser. Used for matching. | 'u-123xyz' |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'mwOpenLinkId',
params: {
accountId: '1000',
partnerId: '1001',
uid: 'u-123xyz'
Merkury by Merkle enables marketers, media owners, and publishers to own, build, and control a cookie-less Private Identity Graph. Merkury uses an organization’s first-party CRM data and valuable interactions such as logins, outbound email campaigns and media reach to create and grow a universe of person-based IDs for cross-channel targeting, personalization, measurement and more.
Publisher stores Merkury by Merkle in local storage for 30 days
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'merkleId',
params: {
storage: {
type: 'html5',
name: 'merkleId',
expires: 30
Navegg enables publishers, advertisers and agencies to use their own first party data together to activate media in a cookie-less way across several Ad Tech platforms. Navegg has one of the largest data networks in Latin America which also allows the enhancement of data with unique categories.
Publisher stores NaveggId in local storage and/or 1st party cookies
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'naveggId'
The European netID Foundation (EnID) aims to establish with the netID an independent European alternative in the digital market for Demand and Supply side. With the netID Single-Sign-On, the EnID established an open standard for consumer logins for services of Buyers and Brands, that also includes user-centric consent management capabilities that results in a standardized, EU-GDPR compliant, IAB TCF aware, cross-device enabled Advertising Identifier, which can be leveraged by publishers and advertisers (and vendors supporting them) to efficiently deliver targeted advertising through programmatic systems to already more than 38 million Europeans on mobile and desktop devices.
The EnID is a non-profit organization which is open to any contributing party on both, the demand and supply side to make identity work for consumers as well as the advertising ecosystem.
1) Publisher stores netID via his own logic
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "netId",
value: {
NextRoll is an industry-leading marketing technology and data stack that fuels growth for businesses of all kinds. Our technology powers two multi-million dollar high-growth businesses: AdRoll and RollWorks. The NextRoll ID is a cookieless identifier built from NextRoll’s proprietary identity graph. Publishers, ad tech platforms, and NextRoll’s brands (AdRoll and RollWorks) leverage the NextRoll ID to access unique demand in cookieless environments. The NextRoll ID respects user privacy preferences and enables users to opt out through multiple web based mechanisms found in Section 8 of NextRoll’s Privacy Policy.
To sign up for a Partner ID please contact your NextRoll representative or send an email to
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=nextrollIdSystem
Enable the module in configuration, with your Partner ID:
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "nextrollId",
params: {
partnerId: 'YOUR_PARTNER_ID'
The Novatiq proprietary dynamic Hyper ID is a unique, non sequential and single use identifier for marketing activation. Our in network solution matches verification requests to telco network IDs safely and securely inside telecom infrastructure. The Novatiq Hyper ID can be used for identity validation and as a secured 1st party data delivery mechanism.
Enable by adding the Novatiq submodule to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=novatiqIdSystem,userId
Module activation and configuration:
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'novatiq',
params: {
// change to the Partner Number you received from Novatiq
sourceid '1a3'
// 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
auctionDelay: 50
Param | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | Module identification: "novatiq" |
"novatiq" |
params | Required | Object | Configuration specifications for the Novatiq module. | |
params.sourceid | Required | String | This is the Novatiq Partner Number obtained via Novatiq registration. | 1a3 |
params.useSharedId | Optional | Boolean | Use the sharedID module if it’s activated. | true |
params.sharedIdName | Optional | String | Same as the SharedID “name” parameter Defaults to “_pubcid” |
"demo_pubcid" |
params.useCallbacks | Optional | Boolean | Use callbacks for custom integrations | false |
params.urlParams | Optional | Object | Sync URl configuration for custom integrations | |
params.urlParams.novatiqId | Optional | String | The name of the parameter used to indicate the Novatiq ID uuid | snowflake |
params.urlParams.useStandardUuid | Optional | Boolean | Use a standard UUID format, or the Novatiq UUID format | false |
params.urlParams.useSspId | Optional | Boolean | Send the sspid (sourceid) along with the sync request Makes the params.sourceid optional if set |
false |
params.urlParams.useSspHost | Optional | Boolean | Send the ssphost along with the sync request | false |
You can make use of the Prebid.js SharedId module as follows.
Enable by adding the Novatiq and SharedId submodule to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=novatiqIdSystem,userId
Module activation and configuration:
userSync: {
userIds: [
name: 'novatiq',
params: {
// change to the Partner Number you received from Novatiq
sourceid '1a3',
// Use the sharedID module
useSharedId: true,
// optional: will default to _pubcid if left blank.
// If not left blank must match "name" in the the module above
sharedIdName: 'demo_pubcid'
// 50ms maximum auction delay, applies to all userId modules
auctionDelay: 50
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
The Parrable ID is a Full Device Identifier that can be used to identify a device across different browsers and webviews on a single device including browsers that have third party cookie restrictions.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=parrableIdSystem
Please contact Parrable to obtain a Parrable Partner Client ID and/or use the Parrable Partner Client ID provided by the vendor for each Parrable-aware bid adapter you will be using. Note that if you are working with multiple Parrable-aware bid adapters you may use multiple Parrable Partner Client IDs.
The Parrable privacy policy as at
In addition to the parameters documented above in the Basic Configuration section the following Parrable specific configuration is required:
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
params | Required | Object | Details for the Parrable ID. | | | Required | Array[String] | A list of one or more Parrable Partner Client IDs for the Parrable-aware bid adapters you are using. Please obtain Parrable Partner Client IDs from them and/or obtain your own. | [ '30182847-e426-4ff9-b2b5-9ca1324ea09b' ] |
params.timezoneFilter | Optional | Object | Configures a timezone or timezone offset filter | |
params.timezoneFilter.allowedZones | Optional | Array[String] | description | [ 'America/Anchorage' ] |
params.timezoneFilter.allowedOffsets | Optional | Array[Number] | description | [ -4 ] |
params.timezoneFilter.blockedZones | Optional | Array[String] | description | [ 'America/New_York' ] |
params.timezoneFilter.blockedOffsets | Optional | Array[Number] | description | [ -5 ] |
NOTE: The Parrable ID that is delivered to Prebid is encrypted by Parrable with a time-based key and updated frequently in the browser to enforce consumer privacy requirements and thus will be different on every page view, even for the same user.
The Parrable ID system manages a cookie with the name of _parrable_id
containing the ID and optout states of the user.
This cookie is used also by standalone Parrable integrations outside of Prebid.
It is for this reason that the cookie name is not configurable for the Parrable ID system.
The Parrable ID system enables a publisher to configure lists of allowed timezones (eg. Europe/Dublin
) and/or timezone offsets (eg. -4
) as well as a lists of blocked timezones and timezone offsets.
not set, or all of the lists are empty) all impressions are permitted.All configured timezones should follow the TZ database name
column from the IANA tz database
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: `'parrableId'`,
params: {
partners: [
], // change to the Parrable Partner Client ID(s) you received from the Parrable Partners you are using
timezoneFilter: {
allowedZones: ['America/New_York', 'Europe/Madrid']
syncDelay: 1000
Publisher Link, provided by Epsilon, is a cross-device identity solution that activates publisher first-party, authenticated data to improve audience identification and increase bid opportunities, specifically designed for sites with authenticated traffic. Publisher first-party authenticated data and a user’s unique encrypted ID is linked to an existing people-based Epsilon CORE ID. By utilizing Publisher Link, publishers are able to reap the benefits of Epsilon’s CORE ID.
Please contact Epsilon to sign up.
The Epsilon privacy is covered in the Epsilon Privacy Policy.
The Publisher Link opt-out is included here
In addition to the parameters documented above in the Basic Configuration section the following Publisher Link specific configuration is available:
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | 'publinkId' |
params | Required | Object | Customized parameters. | |
params.e | Required | String | Hashed email address of the user. Supports MD5 and SHA256. | '7D320454942620664D96EF78ED4E3A2A' |
params.site_id | Required | String | Site ID provided by Epsilon. | '123456' |
params.api_key | Required | String | API key provided by Epsilon. | '00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000' |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "publinkId",
storage: {
name: "pbjs_publink",
type: "cookie",
expires: 30
params: {
e: "7D320454942620664D96EF78ED4E3A2A", // example hashed email (md5)
site_id: "123456",
api_key: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000"
RampID, formerly known as IdentityLink, provided by LiveRamp is a single person-based identifier which allows marketers, platforms and publishers to perform personalized segmentation, targeting and measurement use cases that require a consistent, cross-channel view of the user in anonymous spaces.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=identityLinkIdSystem
Please sign up through our Console platform and request a placementId
The RampID privacy policy is at
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "identityLink" |
"identityLink" |
params | Required for Id Link | Object | Details for RampID initialization. | | | This parameter is required for RampID | String | This is the placementId, value needed for obtaining user’s RampID envelope | |
params.notUse3P | This parameter is not required for RampID | Boolean | Property for choosing should 3P Liveramp envelope endpoint be fired or not, in order to get RampID envelope |
1) Publisher passes a placement ID and elects to store the RampID envelope in a cookie. Make sure that the expiration time of the cookie is similar to what is set in ATS.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "identityLink",
params: {
pid: '999', // Set your real RampID placement ID here
// notUse3P: true/false // If you do not want to use 3P endpoint to retrieve the envelope. If you do not set this property to true, 3P endpoint will be fired. By default this property is undefined and 3P request will be fired.
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "idl_env", // "idl_env" is the required storage name
expires: 15 // RampID envelope can last for 15 days
syncDelay: 3000 // 3 seconds after the first auction
2) Publisher passes a placement ID and elects to store the RampID envelope in HTML5 localStorage. Make sure that the expiration time for localstorage is similar to what is set in ATS.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "identityLink",
params: {
pid: '999', // Set your real RampID placement ID here
// notUse3P: true/false // If you do not want to use 3P endpoint to retrieve the envelope. If you do not set this property to true, 3P endpoint will be fired. By default this property is undefined and 3P request will be fired.
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "idl_env", // "idl_env" is the required storage name
expires: 15 // RampID envelope can last for 15 days
syncDelay: 3000
This module stores an unique user id in the first party domain and makes it accessible to all adapters. Similar to IDFA and AAID, this is a simple UUID that can be utilized to improve user matching, especially for iOS and MacOS browsers, and is compatible with ITP (Intelligent Tracking Prevention). It’s lightweight and self contained. Adapters that support SharedId will be able to pick up the user ID and return it for additional server-side cross device tracking.
There is no special registration or configuration for SharedID. Each publisher’s privacy policy should take SharedID into account. Prebid recommends implementing a method where users can easily opt-out of targeted advertising. Please refer to the User Opt-Out section located at the bottom of this page. For more information check out Prebid’s dedicated identity page
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=sharedIdSystem
In addition to the parameters documented above in the Basic Configuration section the following SharedID specific configuration is available:
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | 'sharedId' |
params | Optional | Object | Customized parameters | |
params.create | Optional | Boolean | For publisher server support only. If true, the publisher’s server will create the (pubcid) cookie. Default is true. | true |
params.pixelUrl | Optional | String | For publisher server support only. Where to call out to for a server cookie – see Prebid Identity for more information. | /wp-json/pubcid/v1/extend/ |
params.extend | Optional | Boolean | If true, the expiration time of the stored IDs will be refreshed during each page load. Default is false. | false |
storage | Required | Object | The publisher must specify some kind of local storage in which to store the results of the call to get the user ID. This can be either cookie or HTML5 storage. | |
storage.expires | Integer | Required | How long the user ID information will be stored. | 365 | | String | Required | The name of the cookie or html5 local storage where the user ID will be stored. | _pubcid |
storage.type | String | Required | This is where the results of the user ID will be stored. Must be either: Must be either: “cookie” or “html5”. For server side implementations, which have the best identifier life and revenue impact, this must be a cookie. | cookie |
1) Publisher supports SharedID and first party domain cookie storage
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "sharedId",
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "_sharedid", // create a cookie with this name
expires: 365 // expires in 1 years
2) Publisher supports both UnifiedID and SharedID and first party domain cookie storage
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "unifiedId",
params: {
partner: "myTtdPid"
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "pbjs-unifiedid", // create a cookie with this name
expires: 60
name: "sharedId",
params: {
pixelUrl: "/wp-json/pubcid/v1/extend/"
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "_sharedid", // create a cookie with this name
expires: 180
syncDelay: 5000 // 5 seconds after the first bidRequest()
3) Publisher supports SharedID and first party domain cookie storage initiated by a first party server
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "sharedId",
params: {
pixelUrl: "/wp-json/pubcid/v1/extend/" //pixelUrl should be specified when the server plugin is used
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "_sharedid", // create a cookie with this name
expires: 365 // expires in 1 year
Trustpid generates unique tokens, enabling improved efficiency in programmatic advertising while safeguarding transparency and control for end customers via
. A website visitor’s Trustpid is generated based on network identifiers provided by network operators and requires explicit user consent.
Trustpid is also the brand name of the service, which is provided by Vodafone Sales and Services Limited (“VSSL”).
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of the module | "trustpid" |
params | Required | Object | Object with configuration parameters for trustpid User Id submodule | - |
params.maxDelayTime | Required | Integer | Max amount of time (in seconds) before looking into storage for data | 2500 |
bidders | Required | Array of Strings | An array of bidder codes to which this user ID may be sent. Currently required and supporting AdformOpenRTB | ['adf'] |
storage | Required | Object | Local storage configuration object | - |
storage.type | Required | String | Type of the storage that would be used to store user ID. Must be "html5" to utilise HTML5 local storage. |
"html5" | | Required | String | The name of the key in local storage where the user ID will be stored. | "trustpid" |
storage.expires | Required | Integer | How long (in days) the user ID information will be stored. For safety reasons, this information is required. | 1 |
Configuration example:
userSync: {
userIds: [
name: "trustpid",
params: {
maxDelayTime: 2500,
bidders: ["adf"],
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "trustpid",
expires: 1,
syncDelay: 3000,
auctionDelay: 3000
If you wish to find out more about Trustpid, please contact
The PubProvided Id module allows publishers to set and pass a first party user id into the bid stream. This module has several unique characteristics:
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "pubProvidedId",
params: {
eidsFunction: getIdsFn // any function that exists in the page
Or, the eids values can be passed directly into the setConfig
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "pubProvidedId",
params: {
eids: [{
source: "",
uids: [{
id: "value read from cookie or local storage",
atype: 1,
ext: {
stype: "ppuid"
}, {
source: "",
uids: [{
id: "value read from cookie or local storage",
atype: 3,
ext: {
stype: "dmp"
In either case, bid adapters will receive the eid values after consent is validated.
This design allows for the setting of any number of uuids in the eids object. Publishers may work with multiple ID providers and nest their own id within the same eids object. The opportunity to link a 1st party uuid and a 3rd party generated UUID presents publishers with a unique ability to address their users in a way demand sources will understand.
Finally, this module allows publishers to broadcast their user id, derived from in-house tech, directly to buyers within the confines of existing compliance (CCPA & GDPR) frameworks.
The eids.uids.ext.stype
“source-type” extension helps downstream entities know what do with the data. Currently defined values are:
specAdd it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=pubProvidedId
Params under usersync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | ID value for the ID module | "PubProvided" |
params | Optional | Object | Details for syncing. | |
params.eidsFunction | Optional | function | any function that exists in the page | getIdsFn() |
uids.atype | optional | int | ADCOM - Type of user agent the match is from | "1" |
uids.ext.stype | Optional | String | Description of how the id was generated and by whom (‘ppuid’,’DMP’,’other’) | DMP |
The Prebid Quantcast ID module stores a Quantcast ID in a first party cookie. The ID is then made available in the bid request. The ID from the cookie added in the bidstream allows Quantcast to more accurately bid on publisher inventories without third party cookies, which can result in better monetization across publisher sites from Quantcast. And, it’s free to use! For easier integration, you can work with one of our SSP partners, like PubMatic, who can facilitate the legal process as well as the software integration for you.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,quantcastIdSystem
Quantcast’s privacy policies for the services rendered can be found at
Publishers deploying the module are responsible for ensuring legally required notices and choices for users.
The Quantcast ID module will only perform any action and return an ID in situations where:
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "quantcastId" |
"quantcastId" |
params | Optional | Object | Details for Quantcast initialization. | |
params.ClientID | Optional | String | Optional parameter for Quantcast prebid managed service partners. The parameter is not required for websites with Quantcast Measure tag. Reach out to Quantcast for ClientID if you are not an existing Quantcast prebid managed service partner: |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "quantcastId"
Tapad’s ID module provides access to a universal identifier that publishers, ad tech platforms and advertisers can use for data collection and collation without reliance on third-party cookies. Tapad’s ID module is free to use and promotes collaboration across the industry by facilitating interoperability between DSPs, SSPs and publishers.
To register as an authorized user of the Tapad ID module, or for more information, documentation and access to Tapad’s Terms and Conditions please contact
Tapad’s Privacy landing page containing links to region-specific Privacy Notices may be found here:
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,tapadIdSystem
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "tapadId" |
"tapadId" |
params | Required | Object | Details for Tapad initialization. | |
params.company_id | Required | Number | Tapad Company Id provided by Tapad | 1234567890 |
userSync: {
userIds: [
name: "tapadId",
params: {
companyId: 1234567890
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "tapad_id",
expires: 1
The Unified ID solution is provided by and the Trade Desk.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=unifiedIdSystem
You can set up Unified ID in one of these ways:
The Unified ID privacy is covered under the TradeDesk Services Privacy Policy.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | "unifiedId" |
"unifiedId" |
params | Required for UnifiedId | Object | Details for UnifiedId initialization. | |
params.partner | Either this or url required for UnifiedId | String | This is the partner ID value obtained from registering with The Trade Desk or working with a Prebid.js managed services provider. | "myTtdPid" |
params.url | Required for UnifiedId if not using TradeDesk | String | If specified for UnifiedId, overrides the default Trade Desk URL. | “” |
value | Optional | Object | Used only if the page has a separate mechanism for storing the Unified ID. The value is an object containing the values to be sent to the adapters. In this scenario, no URL is called and nothing is added to local storage | {"tdid": "D6885E90-2A7A-4E0F-87CB-7734ED1B99A3"} |
1) Publisher has a partner ID with The Trade Desk, and is using the default endpoint for Unified ID.
Bug: The default URL did not support HTTPS in Prebid.js 2.10-2.14. So instead of using the ‘partner’ parameter, it’s best to supply the Trade Desk URL as shown in this example.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "unifiedId",
params: {
url: "//"
storage: {
type: "cookie",
name: "pbjs-unifiedid", // create a cookie with this name
expires: 60 // cookie can last for 60 days
syncDelay: 3000 // 3 seconds after the first auction
2) Publisher supports UnifiedID with a vendor other than Trade Desk and HTML5 local storage.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "unifiedId",
params: {
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "pbjs-unifiedid", // set localstorage with this name
expires: 60
syncDelay: 3000
3) Publisher has integrated with UnifiedID on their own and wants to pass the UnifiedID directly through to Prebid.js.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "unifiedId",
value: {"tdid": "D6885E90-2A7A-4E0F-87CB-7734ED1B99A3"}
Unified ID 2 is an email based id solution that is owned and operated by the prebid community. Unified ID 2, relies on user consent before an id can be added to the bid stream. Consent can be gathered by SSO providers who have integrated against the UID 2 framework, or Publishers own login & consent mechaninism.
Add it to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=uid2IdSystem
You can set up Unified ID 2 in one of these ways:
Each publisher’s privacy policy should take UnifiedId 2 into account
The below parameters apply only to the UID 2.0 User ID Module integration.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | ID value for the UID20 module - "uid2" |
"uid2" |
value | Optional | Object | Used only if the page has a separate mechanism for storing the UID 2.O ID. The value is an object containing the values to be sent to the adapters. In this scenario, no URL is called and nothing is added to local storage | {"uid2": { "id": "eb33b0cb-8d35-4722-b9c0-1a31d4064888"}} |
Publisher has a integrated with an SSO provider that sets a cookie called __uid2_advertising_token when user consent is granted.
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'uid2'
Yahoo ConnectID is a person based ID and does not depend on 3rd party cookies. It enables ad tech platforms to recognize and match users consistently across the open web. Built on top of Yahoo’s robust and proprietary ID Graph it delivers a higher find rate of audiences on publishers’ sites user targeting that respects privacy.
Verizon Media ConnectID honors privacy choices from the Yahoo Privacy Dashboard as well as global privacy acts.
Add support for Yahoo ConnectID to your Prebid.js package with:
gulp build –modules=userId,connectIdSystem
A Yahoo supplied publisher specific pixel Id is required. Please reach out to your account manager for assistance with setup.
Param under userSync.userIds[] | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
name | Required | String | The name of this module. | 'connectId' |
params | Required | Object | Container of all module params. | |
params.pixelId | Required | Number | The Yahoo supplied publisher specific pixel Id | 8976 |
params.he | Required | String | The SHA-256 hashed user email address | 'ed8ddbf5a171981db8ef938596ca297d5e3f84bcc280041c5880dba3baf9c1d4' |
storage | Required | Object | Defines where and for how long the results of the call to get a user ID will be stored. | |
storage.type | Required | String | Defines where the resolved user ID will be stored (either 'cookie' or 'html5' localstorage). |
'html5' | | Required | String | The name of the cookie or html5 localstorage where the resolved user ID will be stored. | 'connectId' |
storage.expires | Recommended | Integer | How long (in days) the user ID information will be stored. The recommended value is 15 |
15 |
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: "connectId",
params: {
pixelId: 8976,
he: "ed8ddbf5a171981db8ef938596ca297d5e3f84bcc280041c5880dba3baf9c1d4"
storage: {
type: "html5",
name: "connectId",
expires: 15
Bidder | IDs Supported |
33across | all |
9MediaOnline | id5Id, unifiedId |
aardvark | unifiedId |
adagio | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, pubProvidedId, sharedId, unifiedId |
adf | all |
adform | all |
adgeneration | novatiq |
adhese | id5Id |
adkernel | all |
adlivetech | all |
adman | uid2, lotamePanoramaId |
admixer | AdmixerID |
adquery | adQuery QiD |
adriver | sharedId, id5Id, uid2Id, adriverId |
adtarget | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
adtelligent | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
adxcg | id5Id, identityLink, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
adyoulike | criteo, sharedId |
aja | criteo, unifiedId, imuid |
amx | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId, amxId |
aol | connectId |
apacdex | all |
appaloosa | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
appnexus | criteo, flocId, identityLink, netId, pubProvidedId, uid2, unifiedId, |
beachfront | unifiedId, identityLink, uid2, hadronId |
between | all |
bidsxchange | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
big-richmedia | criteo, unifiedId, netId, identityLink, flocId, uid2 |
bluebillywig | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
bmtm | id5Id, sharedId |
bridgewell | all |
colossus | britepoolid, identityLink, unifiedId, id5Id, uid2 |
colossusssp | britepoolid, identityLink, unifiedId, id5Id, uid2 |
connectad | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
converge | all |
conversant | criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId, publinkId |
criteo | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, pubProvidedId, sharedId, unifiedId |
datablocks | criteo,unifiedId,netId,pubcid |
districtmDMX | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, intentiq, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
dspx | uid2, netId |
emoteev | pubCommonId |
emx_digital | identityLink, uid2 |
felixads | all |
futureads | AdmixerID |
gambid | id5Id, unifiedId |
gamoshi | id5Id, unifiedId |
gmossp | imuid, sharedId, identityLink |
goldbach | criteo, unifiedId, netId, identityLink, flocId, uid2 |
grid | all |
groupm | all |
gumgum | unifiedId, identityLink |
h12media | all |
impactify | criteo, id5Id, pubCommonId, unifiedId, uid2, netId |
improvedigital | all |
inmar | identityLink, liveIntentId, unifiedId, pubCommonId, pubProvidedId, sharedId |
invibes | pubCommonId, pubProvidedId, uid2, zeotapIdPlus, id5id |
ix | identityLink, netId, fabrickId, zeotapIdPlus, uid2, unifiedId, id5Id, lotamePanoramaId, publinkId, hadronId, pubcid |
justpremium | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
kargo | unifiedId |
livewrapped | all |
logicad | all |
luponmedia | digitrust, identityLink, liveIntentId, pubCommonId |
mediakeys | all |
medianet | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
mediasquare | id5Id |
minutemedia | all |
mobsmart | pubCommonId |
motionspots | all |
navelix | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
nexx360 | id5Id |
onetag | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
openweb | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
openx | admixerId, adtelligentId, amxId, britepoolId, criteo, dapId, deepintentId, dmdId, fabrickId, flocId, hadronId, id5Id, identityLink, idxId, imuId, intentIqId, kinessoId, liveIntentId, lotamePanoramaId, merkleId, mwOpenLinkId, naveggId, netId, nextrollId, novatiq, parrableId, pubCommonId, publinkId, quantcastId, sharedId, tapadId, uid2, unifiedId, verizonMediaId, zeotapIdPlus |
outbrain | id5Id, identityLink |
ozone | criteo, id5Id, tdid, identityLink, liveIntentId, parrableId, pubCommonId, lotamePanoramaId, sharedId, fabrickId |
pixfuture | flocId, criteoId, unifiedId, id5Id, sharedId, identityLink, liveIntentId, fabrickId |
playwire | all |
pubgenius | unifiedId |
pubmatic | all |
pulsepoint | britepoolId, criteo, fabrickId, hadronId, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, lotamePanoramaId, merkleId, parrableId, pubCommonId, sharedId, unifiedId, verizonMediaId |
pwbid | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, pubProvidedId, sharedId, unifiedId |
quantumdex | all |
rads | uid2, netId |
relaido | imuid |
richaudience | criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
rise | all |
roundel | identityLink, netId, fabrickId, zeotapIdPlus |
rtbhouse | id5Id, identityLink, pubProvidedId |
rubicon | all |
sharethrough | all |
smartadserver | all |
smartrtb | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
smartx | none |
sonobi | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId, lotamePanoramaID |
sortable | all |
sovrn | all |
spotx | id5Id, sharedId, unifiedId |
synacormedia | identityLink, verizonMediaId, pubCommonId, nextrollId |
tappx | all |
teads | flocId, uid2Id |
triplelift | criteo, identityLink, unifiedId, pubCommonId |
triplelift_native | criteo, identityLink, unifiedId |
ttd | unifiedId, uid2 |
ucfunnel | unifiedId |
undertone | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
unruly | all |
valueimpression | all |
vidazoo | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
visx | id5Id, unifiedId |
winr | criteo, unifiedId, netId, identityLink, flocId, uid2 |
yahoossp | All |
yieldlab | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId |
yieldmo | pubCommonId, unifiedId, criteo, sharedId |
yieldone | identityLink, imuid |
zeta_global_ssp | all |
Bidders that want to support the User ID module in Prebid.js, need to update their bidder adapter to read the indicated bidRequest attributes and pass them to their endpoint.
ID System Name | ID System Host | Prebid.js Attr: bidRequest.userId. | EID Source | Example Value |
Admixer ID | Admixer | admixerId | | “1111” |
adQuery QiD | adQuery | qid | | “p9v2dpnuckkzhuc…” |
Adtelligent ID | Adtelligent | bidRequest.userId.adtelligentId | "1111" |
Akamai DAP ID | Akamai DAP | dapId | | “eyJhbGciOiJka….YIsj7” |
AMX RTB ID | AMX RTB | amxId | | “3ca11058-…” |
BritePool ID | BritePool | britepoolid | | “1111” |
DAC ID | DAC | dacId | | {“id”: “1111”} |
DeepIntent ID | Deep Intent | deepintentId | | “1111” |
DMD ID | DMD | dmdId | | “1111” |
CriteoID | Criteo | criteoId | | “1111” |
Fabrick ID | Neustar | fabrickId | | “1111” |
FLoC ID | n/a | flocId | ||
Hadron ID | Audigent | hadronId | | {“hadronId”:”user-hadron-id”, “auSeg”:[“segment1”, “segment2”]} |
ID+ | Zeotap | IDP | | “1111” |
ID5 ID | ID5 | id5id | | {uid: “1111”, ext: { linkType: 2, abTestingControlGroup: false } } |
IdentityLink | LiveRamp | idl_env | | “1111” |
Intent IQ ID | Intent IQ | intentiqid | | “1111” |
Kinesso ID | Kinesso | kpuid | | “1111” |
LiveIntent ID | Live Intent | lipb.lipbid | | “1111” |
Lotame Panorama ID | Lotame | lotamePanoramaId | | “e4b9…” |
MediaWallah OpenLink ID | MediaWallah | mwOpenLinkId | | “1111” |
merkleID | Merkle | merkleId | | “1111” |
naveggId | Navegg | naveggId | | “1111” |
netID | netID | netId | | “fH5A…” |
NextRoll ID | NextRoll | nextrollId | | “bf3Ka…/SjP/zpVGr09voA” |
Novatiq ID | Novatiq | novatiqId | | “1111” |
Parrable ID | Parrable | parrableId | | {“eid”:”01.15946…”} |
Publisher Link ID | n/a | publinkId | | |
PubProvided ID | n/a | pubProvidedId | publisher domain | “1111” |
Quantcast ID | n/a | quantcastId | | “1111” |
Tapad ID | Tapad | tapadId | | “1111” |
SharedID (PBJS 5.x) | n/a | pubcid | | “1111” |
SharedID (PBJS 4.x) | Prebid | sharedid | | {“id”:”01EAJWWN…”, “third”:”01EAJ…”} |
Unified ID | Trade Desk | tdid | | “1111” |
ConnectID | Yahoo | connectId | | “72d04af6…” |
For example, the adapter code might do something like:
if (bidRequest.userId && bidRequest.userId.sharedid) {
Bidders that want to support the User ID module in Prebid Server, need to update their server-side bid adapter to read the desired OpenRTB ‘user.ext.eids.source’ object and forward the relevant values to their endpoint.
See the Prebid.js EIDs javascript source for the definitive list of user EID sources.
If you need to export the user IDs stored by Prebid User ID module, the getUserIds()
function will return an object formatted the same as bidRequest.userId.
pbjs.getUserIds() // returns object like bidRequest.userId. e.g. {"pubcid":"1111", "tdid":"2222"}
You can use getUserIdsAsEids()
to get the user IDs stored by Prebid User ID module in ORTB Eids format. Refer for output format.
pbjs.getUserIdsAsEids() // returns userIds in ORTB Eids format. e.g.
source: '',
uids: [{
id: 'some-random-id-value',
atype: 1
source: '',
uids: [{
id: 'some-random-id-value',
atype: 1,
ext: {
rtiPartner: 'TDID'
source: '',
uids: [{
id: 'ID5-12345',
atype: 1,
ext: {
linkType: 2,
abTestingControlGroup: false
If you’re an ID provider that wants to get on this page:
User IDs from Prebid User ID module can be passed to GAM for targeting in Google Ad Manager or could be passed ahead to Google Open Bidding using userIdTargeting
module. Note Google deprecated the ability to pass key values, including identifiers, to OB partners and then later began a closed beta to resume it with details non-public (see ). More details on the user id module can be found here. In short, you just need to add the optional userIdTargeting sub-module into your gulp build
command and the additional userIdTargeting
config becomes available.
Google now supports Encrypted Signals for Publishers(ESP), a program that allows publishers can explicitly share encrypted signals on bid requests with third-party bidders. User ID modules now support code which will register the signal sources and encrypted signal are created and is sent to GAM request in a3p parameter. ‘encryptedSignal’ configuration under userSync Module will help to configure signal sources.
Please find more details Share encrypted signals with bidders (Beta)
Param under userSync | Scope | Type | Description | Example |
encryptedSignalSources | Optional | Object | Publisher can specify the ESP config by adding encryptedSignal Object under userSync Object | |
encryptedSignalSources.sources | Required | Object | An array of Object consist of sources list and encryption flag | Check below config as an example |
encryptedSignalSources.sources.source | Required | Array | An array of sources for which signals needs to be registered | ['',''] |
encryptedSignalSources.sources.encrypt | Required | Boolean | Should be set to false by default. Please find below note | true or false |
encryptedSignalSources.sources.customFunc | Required | function | This function will be defined for custom sources only and called which will return the custom data set from the page | Check below config as an example |
encryptedSignalSources.registerDelay | Optional | Integer | The amount of time (in seconds) after which registering of signals will happen. Default value 0 is considered if ‘registerDelay’ is not provided. | 3000 |
NOTE: For eids encryption (encryptedSignalSources.encrypt) set to true is not recommended unless downstream is informed of the changes.
NOTE: Publishers enabling passing eids/signal through ESP should reach out to SSPs integrated through OB to make sure to take any additional steps needed to ensure impact on 3p cookie based transaction is handled and impact is minimal.
ESP Configuration Example:
userSync: {
encryptedSignalSources: {
"sources": [{
source: ['', '', '', '', ''],
encrypt: false
}, {
source: [''],
customFunc: () => {
return '{"keywords":["tech","auto"]}';
encrypt: true
}, {
source: [''],
customFunc: () => {
return '[{ "id": "1", "value": "seg1" },{ "id": "2", "value": "seg2" }]';
encrypt: true
"registerDelay": 3000