JW Player RTD Provider


The JW Player RTD module passes contextual and performance based information about individual video impression opportunities to bid adapters in order to increase monetization. To use this module, you’ll need to work with JW Player to get an account and discuss the best integration path.

Implementation for Publishers:

1) Compile the JW Player RTD Provider into your Prebid build:

gulp build --modules=jwplayerRtdProvider

2) Publishers must register JW Player as a Real Time Data provider by using setConfig to load a Prebid Config containing a realTimeData.dataProviders array:

    realTimeData: {
      auctionDelay: 100,
      dataProviders: [{
          name: "jwplayer",
          waitForIt: true,
          params: {
            mediaIDs: ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl']

3) Optionally, if you would like to prefetch the targeting information for certain media, you must include the media IDs in params.mediaIDs, as displayed above. You must also set waitForIt to true and make sure that a value is set to realTimeData.auctionDelay.

waitForIt is required to ensure the auction waits for the prefetching of the relvant targeting information to complete. It signals to Prebid that you allow the module to delay the auction if necessary. Setting an auctionDelay in the realTimeData object is required to ensure the auction waits for prefetching to complete. The auctionDelay is the max time in ms that the auction will wait for the requested targeting information.

Note: Though prefetch is optional, we highly recommend enabling it to ensure that the targeting information is available before bids are requested.

Config Syntax details:

Name Type Description Notes
name String Real time data module name Always ‘jwplayer’
waitForIt Boolean Required to ensure that the auction is delayed until prefetch is complete Optional. Defaults to false
params Object    
params.mediaIDs Array of Strings Media Ids for prefetching Optional

4) Include the content’s media ID and/or the player’s ID in the matching AdUnit’s fpd.context.data.jwTargeting before calling addAdUnits:

   const adUnit = {
     code: '/19968336/prebid_native_example_1',
     ortb2Imp: {
       ext: {
         data: {
           jwTargeting: {
             // Note: the following Ids are placeholders and should be replaced with your Ids.
             playerID: 'abcd',
             mediaID: '1234'
   pbjs.que.push(function() {

Note: You may also include jwTargeting information in the prebid config’s ortb2.site.ext.data. Information provided in the adUnit will always supersede the information in the config; use the config to set fallback information or information that applies to all adUnits.

AdUnit Syntax details:

Name Type Description Notes
ortb2Imp.ext.data.jwTargeting Object    
ortb2Imp.ext.data.jwTargeting.mediaID String Media Id of the content associated to the Ad Unit Optional but highly recommended
ortb2Imp.ext.data.jwTargeting.playerID String the ID of the HTML div element used when instantiating the JW Player instance that will render the content associated with the Ad Unit Optional but recommended. You can retrieve this ID by calling player.id, where player is the JW Player instance variable.

Implementation for Bid Adapters:

This section contains guidelines for bid adapters that are working with JW Player to utilize the additional targeting.

Those bidders should implement the buildRequests function. When it is called, the bidRequests param will be an array of bids. Each bidRequest for which targeting information was found will conform to the following object structure:

   adUnitCode: 'xyz',
   bidId: 'abc',
    ortb2: {
      site: {
        content: {
          id: 'jw_abc123',
          data: [{
            name: 'jwplayer',
            ext: {
              segtax: 502
            segment: [{
              id: '123'
            }, {
              id: '456'

Each bid for which targeting information was found will have a ortb2 param conforming to the oRTB v2 object structure. The ortb2 object will contain our proprietaty targeting segments in a format compliant with the IAB’s segment taxonomy structure.

The content’s ID can be obtained in the bid.ortb2.site.content.id property path and the targeting segments can be found in bid.ortb2.site.content.data.segment.

BidRequest Syntax details:

Name Type Description Notes
ortb2.site.content Object    
ortb2.site.content.id String Unique identifier for the specific media asset  
ortb2.site.content.data Array Contains segment taxonomy objects  
ortb2.site.content.data[index].name String the jwplayer string indicating the provider name  
ortb2.site.content.data[index].ext.segtax Integer the 502 value is the unique identifier for JW Player’s proprietary taxonomy  
ortb2.site.content.data[index].segment Array Contains the segment taxonomy values as an object  
ortb2.site.content.data[index].segment[index].id String String representation of the data segment value  


To view an example:

  • in the Prebid repo, run in your cli:

gulp serve --modules=jwplayerRtdProvider

  • in your browser, navigate to:


Note: the mediaIds in the example are placeholder values; replace them with your existing IDs.