Audigent Hadron Real-time Data Submodule

Audigent is a next-generation, first-party data management platform and the world’s first “data agency”, powering the programmatic landscape and DTC eCommerce with actionable first-party audience and contextual data from retailers, lifestyle publishers, content creators, athletes and artists.

The Hadron real-time data module in Prebid has been built so publishers can maximize the power of their first-party audiences and contextual data. This module provides both an integrated cookieless Hadron identity, contextual targeting and audience segmentation solution that seamlessly and easily integrates into your existing Prebid deployment.

Users, devices, content, cohorts and other features are identified and utilized to augment every bid request with targeted, first-party data-derived segments before being submitted to supply-side platforms. Enriching the bid request with robust first-party audience and contextual data, Audigent’s Hadron RTD module helps optimize targeting and header-bidding performance. For more information, please visit or contact our Prebid integration team at

Publisher Usage

Compile the Hadron RTD module into your Prebid build:

gulp build --modules=userId,unifiedIdSystem,rtdModule,hadronRtdProvider,appnexusBidAdapter

Add the Hadron RTD provider to your Prebid config. In this example we will configure publisher 1234 to retrieve segments from Audigent. See the “Parameter Descriptions” below for more detailed information of the configuration parameters. Please work with your Audigent Prebid support team ( on which version of Prebid.js supports different bidder and segment configurations.

    realTimeData: {
        auctionDelay: auctionDelay,
        dataProviders: [
                name: "hadron",
                waitForIt: true,
                params: {
                    segmentCache: false,
                    requestParams: {
                        publisherId: 1234

Config Syntax details:

Name Type Description Notes
name String Real time data module name Always ‘hadron’
waitForIt Boolean Required to ensure that the auction is delayed until prefetch is complete Optional. Defaults to false
params Object    
params.handleRtd Function A passable RTD handler that allows custom adunit and ortb2 logic to be configured. The function signature is (bidConfig, rtd, rtdConfig, pbConfig) => {}. Optional
params.segmentCache Boolean This parameter tells the Hadron RTD module to attempt reading segments from a local storage cache instead of always requesting them from the Audigent server. Optional. Defaults to false.
params.requestParams Object Publisher partner specific configuration options, such as optional publisher id and other segment query related metadata to be submitted to Audigent’s backend with each request. Contact for more information. Optional
params.hadronIdUrl String Parameter to specify alternate hadronid endpoint url. Optional

Publisher Customized RTD Handling

As indicated above, it is possible to provide your own bid augmentation functions rather than simply merging supplied data. This is useful if you want to perform custom bid augmentation and logic with Hadron real-time data prior to the bid request being sent. Simply add your custom logic to the optional handleRtd parameter and provide your custom RTD handling logic there.

Please see the following example, which provides a function to modify bids for a bid adapter called adBuzz and perform custom logic on bidder parameters.

    realTimeData: {
        auctionDelay: auctionDelay,
        dataProviders: [
                name: "hadron",
                waitForIt: true,
                params: {
                    handleRtd: function(bidConfig, rtd, rtdConfig, pbConfig) {
                        var adUnits = bidConfig.adUnits;
                        for (var i = 0; i < adUnits.length; i++) {
                            var adUnit = adUnits[i];
                            for (var j = 0; j < adUnit.bids.length; j++) {
                                var bid = adUnit.bids[j];
                                if (bid.bidder == 'adBuzz' && rtd['adBuzz'][0].value != 'excludeSeg') {
                    segmentCache: false,
                    requestParams: {
                        publisherId: 1234

The handleRtd function can also be used to configure custom ortb2 data processing. Please see the examples available in the hadronRtdProvider_spec.js tests and work with your Audigent Prebid integration team ( on how to best configure your own Hadron RTD & Open RTB data handlers.


To view an example of available segments returned by Audigent’s backends:

gulp serve --modules=userId,unifiedIdSystem,rtdModule,hadronRtdProvider,appnexusBidAdapter

and then point your browser at:
