GDPR Enforcement Module

This module requires the EU GDPR consent management module (the base consent module), which reads consent values from the Consent Management Platform (CMP). The GDPR Enforcement Module will then enforce the results. See the base module page for general background, usage, and legal disclaimers.


The base consent module performs the following actions:

  1. Fetches the user’s GDPR consent data from the CMP.
  2. Incorporates this data into the auction objects for adapters to collect.

The GDPR Enforcement Module adds the following:

  1. Allows the page to define which activities should be enforced at the Prebid.js level.
  2. Actively enforces those activities based on user consent data.

The following table details the Prebid.js activities that fall under the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) scope:

In-Scope Activity TCF Legal Basis Required Enforcement Activity Prebid.js Version
Invoke usersync pixels Purpose 1 - Store and/or access information on a device May prevent one or more vendor usersyncs. 3.14+
Invoke user ID modules Purpose 1 - Store and/or access information on a device May prevent one or more UserID modules from activating. 3.14+
Read and write data to device Purpose 1 - Store and/or access information on a device May prevent one or more adapters or modules from being able to read or write cookies or localstorage in the user’s browser. 3.14+
Perform header bidding auction Purpose 2 - Basic ads May prevent one or more bid adapters from participating in the auction. 4.0+
Invoke analytics adapters Purpose 7 - Measurement May prevent one or more analytics adapters from participating in the auction. 4.x+

Page Integration

A page needs to define configuration rules about how Prebid.js should enforce each in-scope activity.

Important Legal Note: cannot provide legal advice about GDPR or any other governmental regulation. Our aim is to provide a toolkit of functionality that will let publishers configure header bidding as defined by their legal counsel. We will consider feature suggestions, and review any code offered by the community.

To turn on Prebid.js enforcement you must: 1) Include the gdprEnforcement module in the Prebid.js build and 2) setConfig consentManagement.gdpr.cmp to either ‘iab’ or ‘static’

The following fields related to GDPR enforcement are supported in the consentManagement.gdpr object:

Param Type Description Example
gdpr.rules Array of Objects Lets the publisher override the default behavior.  
gdpr.rules[].purpose String Supported values: “storage” (Purpose 1), “basicAds” (Purpose 2), “measurement” (Purpose 7) “storage”
gdpr.rules[].enforcePurpose Boolean Determines whether to enforce the purpose consent. The default in Prebid.js 3.x is not to enforce purposes. Prebid.js 4.0 enforces legal basis for Purposes 1 and 2 by default. true
gdpr.rules[].enforceVendor Boolean Determines whether to enforce vendor signals for this purpose. The default in Prebid.js 3.x is not to enforce vendor signals. Prebid.js 4.0 enforces legal basis for Purposes 1 and 2 by default. true
gdpr.rules[].vendorExceptions Array of Strings Defines a list of biddercodes or module names that are exempt from the enforcement of this Purpose. [“bidderA”, “userID-module-B”]


  • To accomodate Prebid.js modules and adapters that don’t have GVL IDs, the vendorExceptions list is based on Prebid.js biddercodes instead of Global Vendor List (GVL) IDs (i.e. “bidderA” instead of “12345”).
  • An alternate way of establishing a GVL mapping is to define a ‘gvlMapping’ object:
    gvlMapping: {
	bidderA: 12345,
        bidderB: 67890


The following examples cover a range of use cases and show how Prebid.js supports configuration of different business rules.

1) Enforce device access activity and basic ads. These are the default values (in Prebid.js 4.0) if the module is included in the build.

  consentManagement: {
    gdpr: {
      cmpApi: 'iab',   // activates the enforcement module
      defaultGdprScope: true,
      rules: [{        // these are the default values
        purpose: "storage",
        enforcePurpose: true,
        enforceVendor: true
        purpose: "basicAds",
        enforcePurpose: true,
        enforceVendor: true
        purpose: "measurement",
        enforcePurpose: true,
        enforceVendor: true

2) Enforce that the user consents to DeviceAccess as an activity and consider their per-vendor selection. However, idSystemA is a special case - the publisher has confirmed that this system obtains a user ID every auction and does not write to the local device.

  rules: [{
    purpose: "storage",
    enforcePurpose: true,
    enforceVendor: true,
    vendorExceptions: ["idSystemA"]

3) Enforce legal basis for both storage and basicAds, with the exception of “firstPartyBidder”, which is always allowed to run an auction. Assumes the publisher has special legal basis for this entity.

  rules: [{
    purpose: "storage",
    enforcePurpose: true,
    enforceVendor: true
purpose: "basicAds",
enforcePurpose: true,
enforceVendor: true,
    vendorExceptions: ["firstPartyBidder"]

4) Turn off enforcement of Purpose 1: don’t enforce either the user’s DeviceAccess consent or their per-vendor selection.

  rules: [{
    purpose: "storage",
    enforcePurpose: false,
    enforceVendor: false

5) Allow the user to suppress analtyics provider A, but make an exception for analytics provider B.

  rules: [{
    purpose: "measurement",
    enforcePurpose: true,
    enforceVendor: true,
vendorExceptions: ["analyticsB"]

Basic Enforcement

Prebid.js does not have access to the Global Vendor List (GVL), so it implements a “basic” form of TCF ‘legal basis’ validation using the supplied consent string.

A goal of basic enforcement is to confirm that there’s enough evidence of consent to pass data on to vendors who do have access to the GVL and can fully parse and enforce.

Before allowing an activity tied to a TCF-protected Purpose for a given vendor, one of these scenarios must be true:

  • Configuration rules enforce both consent and vendor signals and either:
    • Prebid.js has the user’s purpose consent and the user’s vendor consent, or
    • (for Purpose 2 only) we’ve confirmed the user’s Legitimate Interest (LI) Transparency is established for this purpose
  • Configuration rules enforce only purpose consent and either:
    • Prebid.js has the user’s purpose consent, or
    • (for Purpose 2 only) we confirmed the user’s LI Transparency is established for this purpose.
  • Configuration rules enforce only vendor signals and we have the user’s vendor consent
  • Configuration rules enforce neither purpose consent nor vendor signal.

See the IAB TCF Consent String Format for details.

Modules that Support GVL ID

The GDPR Enforcement module requires the GVL ID for a module to be specified. If no GVL ID is found the module will be blocked by default unless it is specifically listed under vendorExceptions. The following modules have listed their GVL IDs.

Module Type Module
Bid Adapter 33Across
Bid Adapter Aardvark
Bid Adapter Adagio
Bid Adapter AdDefend
Bid Adapter AdformOpenRTB
Bid Adapter Adform
Bid Adapter Adhese
Bid Adapter AdKernel
Bid Adapter AdKernelAdn
Bid Adapter AdMixer
Bid Adapter Adnuntius
Bid Adapter Adot
Bid Adapter Adpone
Bid Adapter Adquery
Bid Adapter Adrino
Bid Adapter Adtelligent
Bid Adapter AdUp Technology
Bid Adapter AdView
Bid Adapter Adyoulike
Bid Adapter AMX RTB
Bid Adapter ANIVIEW
Bid Adapter AOL
Bid Adapter AppNexus
Bid Adapter AP Stream
Bid Adapter Axonix
Bid Adapter Beachfront
Bid Adapter Beintoo
Bid Adapter Between
Bid Adapter Bidmachine
Bid Adapter BigRichMedia
Bid Adapter Compass
Bid Adapter ConnectAd
Bid Adapter Consumable
Bid Adapter Converge-Digital
Bid Adapter Conversant
Bid Adapter Criteo
Bid Adapter Deepintent
Bid Adapter Delta Projects
Bid Adapter Displayio
Bid Adapter DistrictM
Bid Adapter DistrictM DMX
Bid Adapter Duration Media
Bid Adapter E-volution tech
Bid Adapter EMX Digital
Bid Adapter E-Planning
Bid Adapter Epom
Bid Adapter Etarget
Bid Adapter FeedAd
Bid Adapter Fidelity Media
Bid Adapter FutureAds
Bid Adapter Gamoshi
Bid Adapter Glimpse Protocol
Bid Adapter GroupM
Bid Adapter HuaweiAds
Bid Adapter Impactify
Bid Adapter Improve Digital
Bid Adapter InMobi
Bid Adapter Insticator
Bid Adapter Index Exchange
Bid Adapter Kargo
Bid Adapter Kubient
Bid Adapter Lifestreet
Bid Adapter Livewrapped
Bid Adapter Madvertise
Bid Adapter Marsmedia
Bid Adapter Mediakeys
Bid Adapter
Bid Adapter Mgid
Bid Adapter MinuteMedia
Bid Adapter Missena
Bid Adapter Mobfox_PB
Bid Adapter Nano Interactive
Bid Adapter Nativo
Bid Adapter Nobid
Bid Adapter ogury
Bid Adapter OneTag
Bid Adapter OpenWeb
Bid Adapter OpenX
Bid Adapter OpenX Outstream
Bid Adapter OperaAds
Bid Adapter Opt Out Advertising
Bid Adapter Outbrain
Bid Adapter Outbrain - Old
Bid Adapter Ozone Project
Bid Adapter PubMatic
Bid Adapter PulsePoint
Bid Adapter PubWise
Bid Adapter Rads
Bid Adapter Readpeak
Bid Adapter RevContent
Bid Adapter RhythmOne
Bid Adapter Rich Audience
Bid Adapter Rise
Bid Adapter Roundel
Bid Adapter Rubicon Project
Bid Adapter SA Lunamedia
Bid Adapter seedtag
Bid Adapter Slimcut
Bid Adapter Smaato
Bid Adapter Smile Wanted
Bid Adapter Sortable
Bid Adapter Sovrn
Bid Adapter SpotX
Bid Adapter sspBC
Bid Adapter StroeerCore
Bid Adapter Sublime
Bid Adapter tappx
Bid Adapter Teads
Bid Adapter Telaria
Bid Adapter TripleLift
Bid Adapter TripleLift Native
Bid Adapter The Trade Desk
Bid Adapter ucfunnel
Bid Adapter Unruly
Bid Adapter VerizonMedia
Bid Adapter Vibrant Media
Bid Adapter Vidoomy
Bid Adapter Viewdeos Server
Bid Adapter ViewdeosDX Client
Bid Adapter YOC VIS.X
Bid Adapter VRTCAL Markets, Inc.
Bid Adapter Yahoo SSP
Bid Adapter Zeta Global
Bid Adapter Zeta Global Ssp
Analytics Adapter AppNexus
User ID ID5
User ID Lotame Panorama Id
User ID Parrable ID

Build the Package

Follow the basic build instructions in the GitHub Prebid.js repo’s main README. Include the base consent management module and this enforcement module as additional options on the gulp build command:

gulp build --modules=consentManagement,gdprEnforcement,bidAdapter1,bidAdapter2

You can also use the Prebid.js Download page.

Further Reading