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ViewdeosDX Client


Bidder Code viewdeosDX Member no
Media Types display, video GDPR TCF Support yes
User IDs none USP/CCPA Support no
Supply Chain Support no COPPA Support no
Demand Chain Support no Safeframes OK check with bidder
Supports Deals check with bidder Prebid.js Adapter yes
IAB GVL ID 924 Prebid Server Adapter no
Floors Module Support no First Party Data Support check with bidder

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_viewdeosDX hb_bidder_viewdeosDX hb_adid_viewdeosDX
hb_size_viewdeosDX hb_source_viewdeosDX hb_format_viewdeosDX
hb_cache_host_viewde hb_cache_id_viewdeos hb_uuid_viewdeosDX
hb_cache_path_viewde hb_deal_viewdeosDX

Note that for Prebid Server, use “viewdeos” bidder code.

Bid params

Name Scope Description Example Type
aid required The source ID from member zone 350975 integer
outstream optional Oustream player settings object {"audio_setting":"on","video_controls":"show"} object

Oustream settings object

Name Scope Description Example Type
type optional allows to set the outstream type to one of inread/inbanner/interstitial/slider 'inbanner' string
audio_setting optional allows to set audio settings, set to one of: on/muted/hover 'hover' string
video_controls optional enables or disables the visibility of controls, set to one of: show/hide/hover 'show' string
close_button_options optional allows to choose when/if it is needed to show the “close” button, set to one of: delay/not_show/based_on 'delay' string
view_out_action optional allows to apply the action type to an outstream unit when it is out of the visible zone, set to one of: jump/detach/continue_playing_muted/close/continue_playing/pause 'pause' string
default_volume optional allows to set the volume of outstream video ad 0-100 45 integer
percent_visible_before_show optional allows to setup visible percentage of an outstream unit to play 0-100 60 integer
is_countdown_show optional allows to enable/disable a countdown before the “close” button appears 0 - is enabled 1 - is disabled 1 integer
countdown_time optional allows to set up how long the countdown will last and show it to the user. 5 integer
close_button_delay optional allows to set a delay before showing close button 5 integer
disengagement_delay optional allows to set a delay before actions selected in desangagement_method parameter 5 integer
disengagement_method optional is applicable solely to Interstitial units allowing determine the actions that can be applied to the player, set to one of: close_button/detach_button/no/auto_detach 'close_button' string
event_for_expand optional allows to select when outstream unit should be expanded, set to one of: on_start_ad/on_load_ad 'on_load_ad' string
detach_location_on page optional allows to select the location where you want the detached player to be placed, set to one of: bottom_right/fullscreen/bottom_left/center_left/center_right/top_right/top_left 'top_left' string
animation_mode optional allows to control your outstream unit’s animation mode on the webpage, set to one of: ease/ease_in/ease_out/step_start/linear 'ease' string
detach_width optional detached player’s width in pixels 300 integer
detach_height optional detached player’s height in pixels 200 integer

Test Parameters

    var adUnits = [

      // Video instream adUnit
        code: 'div-test-div',
        mediaTypes: {
          video: {
            playerSize:[640, 480],
            context: 'instream'
        bids: [{
          bidder: 'viewdeosDX',
          params: {
            aid: 331133

      // Video outstream adUnit
        code: 'outstream-test-div',
        mediaTypes: {
          video: {
            playerSize:[640, 480],
            context: 'outstream'
        bids: [{
          bidder: 'viewdeosDX',
          params: {
            aid: 331133

      // Banner adUnit
        code: 'div-test-div',
        mediaTypes: {
          banner: {
            sizes:[[300, 250]]
        bids: [{
          bidder: 'viewdeosDX',
          params: {
            aid: 350975

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