Bidder Code | smaato | Member | yes |
Media Types | display, video | GDPR TCF Support | yes |
User IDs | none | USP/CCPA Support | yes |
Supply Chain Support | yes | COPPA Support | yes |
Demand Chain Support | no | Safeframes OK | check with bidder |
Supports Deals | check with bidder | Prebid.js Adapter | yes |
IAB GVL ID | 82 | Prebid Server Adapter | yes |
Floors Module Support | yes | First Party Data Support | yes |
"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys
These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.hb_pb_smaato |
hb_bidder_smaato |
hb_adid_smaato |
hb_size_smaato |
hb_source_smaato |
hb_format_smaato |
hb_cache_host_smaato |
hb_cache_id_smaato |
hb_uuid_smaato |
hb_cache_path_smaato |
hb_deal_smaato |
Table of Contents
The Smaato adapter requires setup and approval from the Smaato team, even for existing Smaato publishers. Please reach out to your account team or for more information.
The Smaato adapter will convert bidfloors to ‘USD’ currency as needed.
Bid Params
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
publisherId |
required | Your Smaato publisher id | '1100012345' |
string |
adspaceId |
required | Your Smaato adspace id. Required for non adpod requests | '11002234' |
string |
adbreakId |
required | Your Smaato adbreak id. Required for adpod (long-form video) requests | '41002234' |
string |
app |
optional | Object containing mobile app parameters. See the App Object for details. | app : { ifa: '56700000-9cf0-22bd-b23e-46b96e40003a'} |
object |
App Object
Smaato supports using prebid within a mobile app’s webview.
Name | Description | Example | Type |
ifa |
String that contains the advertising identifier of the user (e.g. idfa or aaid). | '56700000-9cf0-22bd-b23e-46b96e40003a' |
string |
geo |
Object that contains the latitude (lat ) and longitude (lon ) of the user. |
{ lat: 33.3, lon: -88.8 } |
object |
Example Ad Units
Example Banner Ad Unit
var adUnit = {
"code": "banner unit",
"mediaTypes": {
"banner": {
"sizes": [320, 50]
"bids": [{
"bidder": "smaato",
"params": {
"publisherId": "1100012345",
"adspaceId": "11002234"
Example Video Ad Unit
var adUnit = {
"code": "video unit",
"mediaTypes": {
"video": {
"context": "instream",
"playerSize": [640, 480],
"mimes": ["video/mp4"],
"minduration": 5,
"maxduration": 30,
"startdelay": 0,
"linearity": 1,
"protocols": [7],
"skip": 1,
"skipmin": 5,
"api": [7],
"ext": {"rewarded": 0}
"bids": [{
"bidder": "smaato",
"params": {
"publisherId": "1100012345",
"adspaceId": "11002234"
Example AdPod (long-form) Video Ad Unit
var adUnit = {
"code": "adpod unit",
"mediaTypes": {
"video": {
"context": "adpod",
"playerSize": [640, 480],
"adPodDurationSec": 300,
"durationRangeSec": [15, 30],
"requireExactDuration": false,
"mimes": ["video/mp4"],
"startdelay": 0,
"linearity": 1,
"protocols": [7],
"skip": 1,
"skipmin": 5,
"api": [7],
"bids": [{
"bidder": "smaato",
"params": {
"publisherId": "1100042525",
"adbreakId": "400000000"
First Party Data
Publishers should use the ortb2
method of setting First Party Data. The following fields are supported:
- ortb2.user.keywords
- ortb2.user.yob
- ortb2.user.gender
- ortb2.user.ext.eids
The IAB standard taxonomies are not supported.
Example first party data that’s available to all bidders and all adunits:
ortb2: {
site: {
keywords: "kw1,kw2",
content: {
title: "title1",
series: "series1"
user: {
keywords: "a,b",
gender: "M",
yob: 1984
Test Parameters
Following example includes sample imp
object with publisherId and adSlot which can be used to test Smaato Adapter