Bidder Code | medianet | Member | yes |
Media Types | display, video, native | GDPR TCF Support | yes |
User IDs | britepoolId, criteo, id5Id, identityLink, liveIntentId, netId, parrableId, pubCommonId, unifiedId | USP/CCPA Support | yes |
Supply Chain Support | yes | COPPA Support | no |
Demand Chain Support | no | Safeframes OK | check with bidder |
Supports Deals | check with bidder | Prebid.js Adapter | yes |
IAB GVL ID | 142 | Prebid Server Adapter | yes |
Floors Module Support | yes | First Party Data Support | yes |
"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys
These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.hb_pb_medianet |
hb_bidder_medianet |
hb_adid_medianet |
hb_size_medianet |
hb_source_medianet |
hb_format_medianet |
hb_cache_host_median |
hb_cache_id_medianet |
hb_uuid_medianet |
hb_cache_path_median |
hb_deal_medianet |
Bid Params
Name | Scope | Description | Example | Type |
cid |
required | The customer id provided by | '8CUX0H51C' |
string |
crid |
required | The placement id provided by | '1234567' |
string |
bidfloor |
optional | Bidfloor for the impression | 1.0 |
float |
video |
required for video Ad units | Object containing video targeting parameters. See Video Object for details. | video: { maxduration: 60 } |
object |
Video Object
Name | Type | Description | Example |
mimes | array of strings | (Recommended) Specifies the video content MIME types supported; for example, video/x-ms-wmv and video/x-flv. | [“video/x-ms-wmv”,”video/x-flv”] |
minduration | integer | (Recommended) Specifies the minimum video ad duration, in seconds. | 10 |
maxduration | integer | (Recommended) Specifies the maximum video ad duration, in seconds. | 60 |
w | integer | (Recommended) Specifies the width of the video player, in pixels. Required if playerSize not present in |
640 |
h | integer | (Recommended) Specifies the height of the video player, in pixels. Required if playerSize not present in |
480 |
startdelay | integer | (Recommended) Specifies the start delay of the video ad | 0 |
battr | array of integers | Specifies the video creative attributes to block. Refer to section 5.3 of the IAB specification for a list of attributes. | [ 13, 14 ] |
playbackmethod | array of integers | Specifies the allowed playback methods. If not specified, all are assumed to be allowed. Currently supported values are: 1: Autoplay, sound on ; 2: Autoplay, sound off ; 3: Click to play ; 4: Mouse over to play |
[1, 3] |
api | array of integers | Specifies the supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. Currently supported values are: 1: VPAID 1.0 ; 2: VPAID 2.0 ; 3: MRAID-1 ; 4: ORMMA ; 5: MRAID-2 |
[1, 2] |
protocols | array of integers | Array of supported video protocols. Currently supported values are: 1: VAST 1.0 ; 2: VAST 2.0 ; 3: VAST 3.0 ; 4: VAST 1.0 Wrapper ; 5: VAST 2.0 Wrapper ; 6: VAST 3.0 Wrapper ; 7: VAST 4.0 |
[1, 2] |
placement | integer | Placement type for the impression. Possible options: 1: In-Stream ; 2: In-banner ; 3: Outstream/In-article ; 4: In-feed ; 5: Interstitial/Slider/Floating ; 6: Long-Form ; |
1 |
Besides the above-mentioned parameters, we support all other OpenRTB 2.x video objects as optional parameters.
In addition to bids[]
, adapter consumes parameters specified in the
Example of Instream Video Ad-unit
var videoAdUnit = {
code: 'video1',
mediaTypes: {
video: {
context: "instream",
playerSize: [640, 480],
mimes: ['video/mp4'],
placement: 1
bids: [{
bidder: 'medianet',
params: {
cid: '8CUX0H51C',
crid: '776755783',
// Site member is to be used only for testing
site: {
page: '',
domain: '',
ref: ''
Example of Native Ad-unit
var adUnits = [{
code: 'div-gpt-ad-1544091247692-0',
mediaTypes: {
native: {
image: {
required: true,
sizes: [300, 250],
wmin: 50,
title: {
required: true,
len: 80
bids: [{
bidder: 'medianet',
params: {
cid: '8CUX0H51C',
crid: '776755783',
// Site member is to be used only for testing
site: {
page: '',
domain: '',
ref: ''
Example of Banner Ad-unit
var adUnits = [{
code: 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0',
mediaTypes: {
banner: {
sizes: [
[728, 90],
[300, 600],
[300, 250]
bids: [{
bidder: 'medianet',
params: {
cid: '8CUX0H51C',
crid: '451466393',
// Site member is to be used only for testing
site: {
page: '',
domain: '',
ref: ''