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Bidder Code mediakeys Member no
Media Types display, video, native GDPR TCF Support yes
User IDs all USP/CCPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes COPPA Support yes
Demand Chain Support no Safeframes OK yes
Supports Deals check with bidder Prebid.js Adapter yes
IAB GVL ID 498 Prebid Server Adapter no
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support yes

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_mediakeys hb_bidder_mediakeys hb_adid_mediakeys
hb_size_mediakeys hb_source_mediakeys hb_format_mediakeys
hb_cache_host_mediak hb_cache_id_mediakey hb_uuid_mediakeys
hb_cache_path_mediak hb_deal_mediakeys

Table of Contents

Important Notice

The Mediakeys Bidding adapter requires setup before beginning and will respond with bids for whitelisted domains only.

Please contact us at

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
context required for native Native context 1 integer
plcmttype required for native Native placement type 2 integer

First Party Data

Publishers should use the ortb2 method of setting First Party Data.

Global site or user data using setConfig(), or Bidder-specific using setBidderConfig() supports following fields:

  •*: Standard IAB OpenRTB 2.5 site fields
  •[]: Standard IAB segment taxonomy site data
  •*: Non standard arbitrary site data
  • ortb2.user.*: Standard IAB OpenRTB 2.5 user fields
  •[]: Standard IAB segment taxonomy user data
  •*: Non standard arbitrary user data

Please note that field*, in a webview context, is not supported.

AdUnit-specific data using AdUnit.ortb2Imp supports following fields:

  • ortb2.imp[]*

Example first party data that’s available to all bidders and all adunits:

  ortb2: {
      site: {
          // standard IAB OpenRTB 2.5 site fields are passed in `*`
          name: "example",
          cat: ["IAB2"],
          domain: "",

          // standard IAB segment taxonomy site data is passed in `[]`
          content: {
              userrating: "4",
              data: [{ name: "" }]

          // any non standard arbitrary site data is passed in `*`
          ext: { data: { arbitrarySiteKey: "arbitrary" } }
      user: {
          // standard IAB OpenRTB 2.5 user fields are passed in `ortb2.user.*`
          keywords: "a,b",
          geo: { country: "FRA", lat: 48.9, lon: 2.2 },

          // standard IAB segment taxonomy user data are passed in `[]`
          data: [{ name: "" }],

          // any non standard arbitrary user data is passed in `*`
          ext: { data: { arbitraryUserKey: "arbitrary" } }

Example of first party data available only to the Mediakeys bidder and applies across all ad units:

    bidders: ['mediakeys'],
    config: {
        ortb2: {
            site: {
                ext: {
                    data: {
                        pageType: "article",
                        category: "tools"
            user: {
                ext: {
                    data: {
                        registered: true,
                        interests: ["cars"]

Example of an adunit-specific with first party data:

var adUnit = {
    // applies to all bidders
    ortb2Imp: {
    bids: [{
      bidder: 'mediakeys',
      params: {},
      // applies to mediakeys bidder only
      ortb2Imp: {
          ext: {
              data: {
                  pbadslot: "homepage-top-rect",
                  adUnitSpecificAttribute: "123"

Mediakeys fully supports the following Prebid.js Modules:

Module Scope
Consent Management - GDPR Required in Europe
Consent Management - US Privacy Required in US - California
Instream Tracking Required for Instream Video
First Party Data Enrichment Recommended for all traffic
Supply Chain Object Recommended for all traffic

Publishers must utilize the required modules in described scope to be able to receive bid responses.

Before using Supply Chain Object Module, please confirm with the Mediakeys team the proper asi and sid field values that you should pass.

MediaType Banner

The Mediakeys adapter accepts any valid OpenRTB Spec 2.5 property.

Example Ad Unit:

const adUnits = [{
  code: 'banner-1',
  mediaTypes: {
    banner: {
      sizes: [[300, 250],[300, 600]],
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'mediakeys',
    params: {} // no params required.

MediaType Video

The Mediakeys adapter accepts any valid OpenRTB Spec 2.5 video property.

Properties can be defined at the adUnit or bid[].params level.

Please refer to the following table to find acceptable values for mediakeys bidder:

Name Scope Description Example Type
context required instream or outstream “outstream” string
playerSize (*) required width, height of the player in pixels [640,360]
translated to w and h in bid request
mimes recommended Content MIME types supported [“video/x-ms-wmv”, “video/mp4”]
default: [“video/mp4”]
protocols recommended Array of supported video protocols:
2: VAST 2.0
3: VAST 3.0
default: [3]
maxduration recommended Maximum video ad duration in seconds. 30
default: not set
skip recommended Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. 1
default: 0

(*) Mediakeys bidder will adapt the bid response to send the video format closest to the playerSize (from an aspect ratio point of view). To maximize the responses, please consider requesting formats like:

  • small video: 360x268 (minimal bandwidth, low quality)
  • medium video: 640x360 (low bandwidth, medium quality)
  • standard video: 640×480 (medium bandwidth, good quality)
  • full wide video: 854×480 (high bandwidth, superior quality)
  • HD video: 1280x720 (maximum bandwidth, best quality)

Instream video

For Instream Video, you have to enable the Instream Tracking Module to have Prebid emit the onBidWon required event.

Required Prebid configuration:

a. Enable the instream tracking module and whitelist mediakeys Vast server url.

pbjs.que.push(function () {
        instreamTracking: {
            // enable the `bidWon` event required by mediakeys
            enabled: true,
            // enable mediakeys vast server to have Prebid emit the `bidWon` event
            urlPattern: /mediakeys\.io/

b. Do not mark the bid as “used” as it could prevent emitting the bidWon event.

pbjs.que.push(function () {
        timeout: 1000,
        bidsBackHandler: function (bids) {
            const highestCpmBids = pbjs.getHighestCpmBids('video1');

            if (highestCpmBids.length > 0) {
                // !! DO NOT use this !!
                // pbjs.markWinningBidAsUsed({
                //     adUnitCode: adUnits[0].code
                // });

Example Ad Unit:

const adUnits = [{
  code: 'video1',
  mediaTypes: {
    video: {
      context: 'instream',
      playerSize: [854, 480],
      // additional OpenRTB video params
      // placement: 2,
      // ...
      mimes: ['video/mp4'],
      protocols: [2, 3],
      skip: 1
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'mediakeys',
    params: {
      video: {
        // additional OpenRTB video params
        // will be merged with params defined at mediaTypes level
        api: [1]

Outstream video

Required Prebid configuration:

You must set up your preferred outstream renderer in the ad unit and use the following example code to fetch the vast xml document from mediakeys ad-server.

Example Ad Unit:

const adUnits = [{
  code: 'video1',
  mediaTypes: {
    video: {
      context: 'outstream',
      playerSize: [1280, 720],
      // additional OpenRTB video params
      // placement: 2,
      // ...
      mimes: ['video/mp4'],
      protocols: [2, 3],
      skip: 0
  // this renderer is required for outstream video mediatype
  renderer: {
    url: '',
    // the render method must fetch the vast xml document before displaying video
    render: function (bid) {
      var adResponse = fetch(bid.vastUrl).then(resp => resp.text()).then(text => ({
        ad: {
          video: {
            content: text,
            player_height: bid.playerHeight,
            player_width: bid.playerWidth

      adResponse.then((content) => {
        bid.renderer.push(() => {
            targetId: bid.adUnitCode,
            adResponse: content
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'mediakeys',
    params: {
      placementId: 13232385,
      video: {
        // additional OpenRTB video params
        // will be merged with params defined at mediaTypes level
        api: [1]

MediaType Native

The Mediakeys adapter accepts any valid OpenRTB Native Ads Specification native property.

Please refer to Prebid native ad unit documentation, and the following table to see required and recommended parameters.

Name Scope Description Example Type
context required The context in which the ad appears 1 integer
plcmttype recommended The design/format/layout of the ad unit being offered 1 integer

Required Prebid configuration:

Refer to Prebid documentation to use your preferred method for native ad template rendering.

Example Ad Unit:

This example uses the external javascript file rendering method.

const adUnits = [{
  code: 'native-1',
  sizes: [360, 360],
  mediaTypes: {
    native: {
      rendererUrl: '',
      body: {
        required: true
      title: {
        required: true,
        len: 120
      sponsoredBy: {
        required: true
      icon: {
        required: true,
        sizes: [180, 180]
      image: {
        required: true,
        sizes: [300, 250]
  bids: [{
    bidder: 'mediakeys',
    native: {
      context: 1,
      plcmttype: 1,

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