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Index Exchange


Bidder Code ix Member yes
Media Types display, video GDPR TCF Support yes
User IDs identityLink, netId, fabrickId, zeotapIdPlus, uid2, unifiedId, id5Id, lotamePanoramaId, publinkId, hadronId, pubcid USP/CCPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes COPPA Support yes
Demand Chain Support no Safeframes OK check with bidder
Supports Deals check with bidder Prebid.js Adapter yes
IAB GVL ID 10 Prebid Server Adapter yes
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support yes

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_ix hb_bidder_ix hb_adid_ix
hb_size_ix hb_source_ix hb_format_ix
hb_cache_host_ix hb_cache_id_ix hb_uuid_ix
hb_cache_path_ix hb_deal_ix


Module Name: Index Exchange Adapter
Module Type: Bidder Adapter


Publishers may access Index Exchange’s (IX) network of demand sources through our Prebid.js and Prebid Server adapters. Both of these modules are GDPR and CCPA compliant.

IX Prebid.js Adapter

This module connects publishers to Index Exchange’s (IX) network of demand sources through Prebid.js. This module is GDPR and CCPA compliant.

It is compatible with the new Prebid.js 5.0 ad unit format where banner and video properties, including the size parameter, are stored in the adUnits[].mediaTypes object. IX still supports both size as an optional parameter and the Missing Sizes feature, but we recommend upgrading to the Prebid.js 5.0 format.

For more information about how the adUnits[].mediaTypes object is formatted in Prebid.js 5.0, refer to the following example.

var adUnits = [{
    // ...
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [
                [300, 250],
                [300, 600]
        video: {
            context: 'instream',
            playerSize: [300, 250]
    // ...

Supported Media Types (Prebid.js)

Type Support
banner Fully supported for all IX approved sizes
video Fully supported for all IX approved sizes
native Not supported

Supported Media Types (Prebid Server)

Type Support
banner Fully supported
video Fully supported, including ad pods for OTT
native Not supported

Ad Unit or Bidder Parameters

These params can be specified in the ad unit level, which will be the preferred way going forward with PBJS 5.0

Each of the IX-specific parameters provided under the object are detailed here.

The following parameters are specified in the ad unit adUnits[].mediaTypes. This includes each of the IX-specific parameters provided under adUnits[].bids[].params.

In Prebid.js versions 5.0 and above, mediaType and sizes are not required to be defined at the ad unit level.

Key Scope Type Description
siteId Required String An IX-specific identifier that is associated with this ad unit. It will be associated to the single size, if the size provided. This is similar to a placement ID or an ad unit ID that some other modules have. For example, '3723', '6482', '3639'
sizes Optional Number[Number[]] The size/sizes associated with the site ID, as listed in the ad unit under adUnits[].mediaTypes.banner.sizes. For example, [300, 250], [300, 600], [728, 90]


Key Scope Type Description
siteId Required String An IX-specific identifier that is associated with this ad unit. It will be associated to the single size, if the size is provided. This is similar to a placement ID or an ad unit ID that some other modules have. For example, '3723', '6482', '3639'
size Optional Number[] The single size that is associated with the site ID, as listed in the ad unit under adUnits[].sizes or adUnits[] For example, [300, 250], [300, 600].

This parameter is optional in Prebid.js versions 5.0 and above. Versions prior to 5.0 will still require a size parameter.
video Optional Hash The video object will serve as the properties of the video ad. You can create any field under the video object that is mentioned in the OpenRTB Spec v2.5. Some fields like mimes, protocols, minduration, maxduration are required. Properties not defined at this level, will be pulled from the Adunit level.
video.w Required Integer The video player size width in pixels that will be passed to demand partners.
video.h Required Integer The video player size height in pixels that will be passed to demand partners.
video.playerSize Optional* Integer The video player size that will be passed to demand partners. * In the absence of video.w and video.h, this field is required.
video.mimes Required String[] Array list of content MIME types supported. Popular MIME types include, but are not limited to, "video/x-ms- wmv" for Windows Media and "video/x-flv" for Flash Video.
video.minduration Required Integer Minimum video ad duration in seconds.
video.maxduration Required Integer Maximum video ad duration in seconds.
video.protocol / video.protocols Required Integer / Integer[] Either a single protocol provided as an integer, or protocols provided as a list of integers. 2 - VAST 2.0, 3 - VAST 3.0, 5 - VAST 2.0 Wrapper, 6 - VAST 3.0 Wrapper

Setup Guide

Follow these steps to configure and add the IX module to your Prebid.js integration.

The examples in this guide assume the following starting configuration (you may remove banner or video, if either does not apply).

In regards to video, context can either be 'instream' or 'outstream'. Note that outstream requires additional configuration on the adUnit.

var adUnits = [{
    code: 'banner-div-a',
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [
                [300, 250],
                [300, 600]
    bids: []
    code: 'video-div-a',
    mediaTypes: {
        video: {
            context: 'instream',
            playerSize: [1280, 720]
    bids: []

1. Add IX to the appropriate ad units

For each size in an ad unit that IX will be bidding on, add one of the following bid objects under adUnits[].bids:

    bidder: 'ix',
    params: {
        siteId: '123456'

Set params.siteId in the bid object to the values provided by your IX representative.



var adUnits = [{
    code: 'banner-div-a',
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [
                [300, 250],
                [300, 600]
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'ix',
        params: {
            siteId: '123456'
    }, {
        bidder: 'ix',
        params: {
            siteId: '123456'

Video (Instream):

var adUnits = [{
    code: 'video-div-a',
    mediaTypes: {
        video: {
            // Preferred location for openrtb v2.5 compatible video obj
            context: 'instream',
            playerSize: [300, 250],
            mimes: [
            minduration: 0,
            maxduration: 60,
            protocols: [6]
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'ix',
        params: {
            siteId: '12345'
    }, {
        bidder: 'ix',
        params: {
            siteId: '12345',
            video: {
                // openrtb v2.5 compatible video obj
                // If required, use this to override properties

Please note that you can re-use the existing siteId within the same flex position.

Video (Outstream): Note that currently, outstream video rendering must be configured by the publisher. In the adUnit, a renderer object must be defined, which includes a url pointing to the video rendering script, and a render function for creating the video player. See for more information.

var adUnits = [{
    code: 'video-div-a',
    mediaTypes: {
        video: {
            context: 'outstream',
            playerSize: [300, 250],
            mimes: [
            minduration: 0,
            maxduration: 60,
            protocols: [6]
    renderer: {
        url: '',
        render: function (bid) {
    bids: [{
        bidder: 'ix',
        params: {
            siteId: '12345',
            video: {
                // If required, use this to override properties   

Video Caching

Note that the IX adapter expects a client-side Prebid Cache to be enabled for video bidding.

    usePrebidCache: true,
    cache: {
        url: ''

User Sync

Add the following code to enable user sync. IX strongly recommends enabling user syncing through iFrames. This functionality improves DSP user match rates and increases the IX bid rate and bid price. Be sure to call pbjs.setConfig() only once.

    userSync: {
        iframeEnabled: true,
        filterSettings: {
            iframe: {
                bidders: ['ix'],
                filter: 'include'

The detectMissingSizes feature

By default, the IX bidding adapter bids on all banner sizes available in the ad unit when configured to at least one banner size. If you want the IX bidding adapter to only bid on the banner size it’s configured to, switch off this feature using detectMissingSizes.

    ix: {
        detectMissingSizes: false


    bidders: ["ix"],
    config: {
        ix: {
            detectMissingSizes: false

2. Include ixBidAdapter in your build process

When running the build command, include ixBidAdapter as a module, as well as dfpAdServerVideo if you require video support.

gulp build --modules=ixBidAdapter,dfpAdServerVideo,fooBidAdapter,bazBidAdapter

If a JSON file is being used to specify the bidder modules, add "ixBidAdapter" to the top-level array in that file.


And then build.

gulp build --modules=bidderModules.json

Setting First Party Data (FPD)

As a part of 4.30, IX will start to pick up FPD in the global FPD module, as well as continue to pick up IX bidder-specific FPD. Previous versions of IX Bid Adapter will only support the IX bidder-specific FPD.

Global FPD

As of Prebid.js 4.30, use the more generic ortb2 interface, which can be used for more than just First Party Data.

The First Party Data feature allows publishers to specify key/value data in one place where each compatible bid adapter can read it.

To supply global data, use the setConfig() function as illustrated below:

   ortb2: {
       site: {
       user: {

Use the setBidderConfig() function to supply bidder-specific data.

For more information about the standard or more detailed examples, refer to First Party Data Feature.

IX bidder-specific FPD

FPD allows you to specify key-value pairs that are passed as part of the query string to IX for use in Private Marketplace Deals which rely on query string targeting for activation. For example, if a user is viewing a news-related page, you can pass on that information by sending category=news. Then in the IX Private Marketplace setup screens, you can create Deals which activate only on pages that contain category=news. Please reach out to your IX representative if you have any questions or need help setting this up.

To include FPD in a bid request, it must be set before pbjs.requestBids is called. To set it, call pbjs.setConfig and provide it with a map of FPD keys to values as such:

    ix: {
        firstPartyData: {
            '<key name>': '<key value>',
            '<key name>': '<key value>',
            // ...

The values can be updated at any time by calling pbjs.setConfig again. The changes will be reflected in any proceeding bid requests.

Continue to use IX bidder-specific First Party Data for IX deals. Global First Party Data is not yet supported in IX deals. Consult your IX representative with any questions.

Setting a Server Side Timeout

Setting a server-side timeout allows you to control the max length of time taken to connect to the server. The default value when unspecified is 50ms.

This is distinctly different from the global bidder timeout that can be set in Prebid.js in the browser.

To add a server-side timeout, it must be set before pbjs.requestBids is called. To set it, call pbjs.setConfig and provide it with a timeout value as such:

    ix: {
        timeout: 50

The timeout value must be a positive whole number in milliseconds.

IX Prebid Server Adapter

Publishers who would like to retrieve IX demand via a Prebid Server instance can do so by adding IX to the list of bidders for a Prebid Server bid request, with a valid site ID. For example:

"imp": [
    "id": "test2",
    "banner": {
      "format": [
          "w": 300,
          "h": 600
    "ext": {
      "ix": {
        "siteId": "12345"

Important Prebid Server Note

Any party operating their own hosted Prebid Server instances must reach out to IX ( to receive approval and customized setup instructions. Please do not send Prebid Server requests without first contacting us – you will not receive bid responses.

Additional Information

Bid Request Limit

If a single bid request to IX contains more than 20 impression requests (i.e. more than 20 objects in bidRequest.imp), only the first 20 will be accepted, the rest will be ignored.

To avoid this situation, ensure that when pbjs.requestBid is invoked, that the number of bid objects (i.e. adUnits[].bids) with adUnits[].bids[].bidder set to 'ix' across all ad units that bids are being requested for does not exceed 20.

Time-To-Live (TTL)

Banner bids from IX have a TTL of 300 seconds while video bids have a TTL of 1 hour, after which time they become invalid.

If an invalid bid wins, and its associated ad is rendered, it will not count towards total impressions on IX’s side.


Why do I have to input size in adUnits[].bids[].params for IX when the size is already in the ad unit?

If you are using Prebid.js version 5.0 and above, the size parameter is not a required field. Only the siteID is required, and it is stored with the sizes in the ad unit.

How can I view the bid request sent to IX by Prebid.js?

In your browser of choice, create a new tab and open the developer tools. In developer tools, select the network tab. Then, navigate to a page where IX is set up to bid. Now, in the network tab, search for requests to These are the bid requests.

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