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Bidder Code groupm Member yes
Media Types display, video, native GDPR TCF Support yes
User IDs all USP/CCPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes COPPA Support yes
Demand Chain Support no Safeframes OK yes
Supports Deals check with bidder Prebid.js Adapter yes
IAB GVL ID 98 Prebid Server Adapter yes
Floors Module Support yes First Party Data Support yes

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_groupm hb_bidder_groupm hb_adid_groupm
hb_size_groupm hb_source_groupm hb_format_groupm
hb_cache_host_groupm hb_cache_id_groupm hb_uuid_groupm
hb_cache_path_groupm hb_deal_groupm

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
publisherId required Publisher ID '32572' string
adSlot optional Ad Slot Name (see below) '38519891' string
pmzoneid optional Zone ID 'zone1,zone2' string
lat optional Latitude '40.712775' string
lon optional Longitude '-74.005973' string
yob optional Year of Birth '1982' string
gender optional Gender 'M' string
kadpageurl optional Overrides Page URL '' string
kadfloor optional Bid Floor '1.75' string
currency optional Bid currency 'AUD' (Value configured only in the 1st adunit will be passed on.
Values if present in subsequent adunits, will be ignored.)
dctr optional Deal Custom Targeting
(Value configured only in the 1st adunit will be passed on.
Values if present in subsequent adunits, will be ignored.)
'key1=123\|key2=345' string
bcat optional Blocked IAB Categories
(Values from all slots will be combined and only unique values will be passed. An array of strings only. Each category should be a string of a length of more than 3 characters.)
[ 'IAB1-5', 'IAB1-6', 'IAB1-7' ] array of strings
deals optional PMP deals
(Values from each slot will be passed per slot. An array of strings only. Each deal-id should be a string of a length of more than 3 characters.)
[ 'deal-id-5', 'deal-id-6', 'deal-id-7' ] array of strings
outstreamAU optional Oustream AdUnit described in Blue BillyWig UI. This field is mandatory if mimeType is described as video and context is outstream (i.e., for outstream videos) 'renderer_test_groupm' string

GroupM is an aliased bidder of PubMatic

Prebid Server Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
publisherId required Publisher ID "32572" string
adSlot optional Ad Slot Name "38519891" string
pmzoneid optional Comma separated zone id. Used im deal targeting & site section targeting. e.g drama,sport "zone1,zone2" string
dctr optional Deal Custom Targeting, pipe separated key-value pairs "key1=123\|key2=345" string
wrapper optional Specifies GroupM openwrap configuration for a publisher "wrapper": { "profile": 123, "version": 1} object
keywords optional A set of key-value pairs; A key can have one or more values associated with it. They are used in buy-side segment targeting. "keywords": { "genre": ["rock", "pop"] } object

Prebid Server Test Request

The following test parameters can be used to verify that Prebid Server is working properly with the GroupM adapter. This example includes an imp object with an GroupM test publisher ID, ad slot, and sizes that would match with the test creative.


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