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Glimpse Protocol


Bidder Code glimpse Member no
Media Types display GDPR TCF Support yes
User IDs none USP/CCPA Support no
Supply Chain Support no COPPA Support no
Demand Chain Support no Safeframes OK check with bidder
Supports Deals yes Prebid.js Adapter yes
IAB GVL ID 1012 Prebid Server Adapter no
Floors Module Support no First Party Data Support check with bidder

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_glimpse hb_bidder_glimpse hb_adid_glimpse
hb_size_glimpse hb_source_glimpse hb_format_glimpse
hb_cache_host_glimps hb_cache_id_glimpse hb_uuid_glimpse
hb_cache_path_glimps hb_deal_glimpse


Module Name: Glimpse Protocol Bid Adapter
Module Type: Bidder Adapter


This module connects publishers to Glimpse Protocol’s demand sources via Prebid.js. Our innovative marketplace protects consumer privacy while allowing precise targeting.

Supported Media Types

Type Sizes
Banner 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, 728x90, 970x250


This section shows how to configure your Prebid.js integration to work with the Glimpse module.


Before you start to configure Glimpse, you will need to build a prebid.js file with the Glimpse module included, and include both gpt.js and prebid.js in the head of each page with supply. An example of a typical pair of script tags might be:


<script async src="https://<PUBLISHER_DOMAIN>/prebid.js"></script>

Publisher Registration

Coming soon.

Domain Registration

Coming soon.

Ad Unit Registration

Coming soon.


Bid Requests

Our adapter captures the following values in the params block of each bid request:

Name Scope Type Description Example
placementId Required string A unique identifier associated with a publisher and ad unit, provided by the Glimpse Publisher Portal when registering a unit ‘glimpse-placement-id’
demand Optional string Target demand source (defaults to ‘glimpse’) ‘xandr’
keywords Optional Record<string, any> Audience targeting data (applies to the single ad unit) { sticky: true }


const units = [
    code: "ad-unit-0",
    mediaTypes: {
      banner: { sizes: [[300, 250]] },
    bids: [
        bidder: "glimpse",
        params: {
          placementId: "glimpse-placement-id",
          demand: "glimpse",
          keywords: {
            sticky: true,

First Party Data

Our adapter captures site and user level data that can be passed to all units using the ortb2 block, as described here.


pbjs.que.push(() => {
    ortb2: {
      site: {
        keywords: "sports, basketball",
        ext: {
          data: {
            title: "The Premier League",
      user: {
        keywords: "food, takeaway",
        ext: {
          data: {
            firstVisit: true,



Can I test my setup without a Publisher Portal Account?

Yes, to test your setup, you can trigger Glimpse to respond with randomly-generated bids for your correctly-configured units by setting demand: 'demo' in the params of each unit.

Can you provide additional support?

Of course! You can check the Glimpse Prebid Adapter documentation, here, or reach out to us at

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