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Bidder Code adbookpsp Member no
Media Types display, video GDPR TCF Support yes
User IDs none USP/CCPA Support yes
Supply Chain Support yes COPPA Support yes
Demand Chain Support no Safeframes OK check with bidder
Supports Deals check with bidder Prebid.js Adapter yes
IAB GVL ID check with bidder Prebid Server Adapter no
Floors Module Support no First Party Data Support check with bidder

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_adbookpsp hb_bidder_adbookpsp hb_adid_adbookpsp
hb_size_adbookpsp hb_source_adbookpsp hb_format_adbookpsp
hb_cache_host_adbook hb_cache_id_adbookps hb_uuid_adbookpsp
hb_cache_path_adbook hb_deal_adbookpsp

NOTE: The AdBookPSP Bidder Adapter requires setup and approval before use. The adapter uses custom targeting keys that require a dedicated Google Ad Manager setup to work. Please reach out to your AdbookPSP representative for more details.

Bid Params

Name Scope Description Example Type
orgId optional Org ID listed in the Deal File abc123 string
placementId optional Placement ID listed in the Deal File abc123 string

Each adUnit with adbookpsp adapter has to have either placementId or orgId set.

var adUnits = [
    bids: [
        bidder: 'adbookpsp',
        params: {
          placementId: 'example-placement-id',
          orgId: 'example-org-id',

Alternatively, orgId can be set globally while configuring prebid.js:

  adbookpsp: {
    orgId: 'example-org-id',

NOTE: adUnit orgId will take precedence over the globally set orgId.


  • sizes

Example configuration:

var adUnits = [
    code: 'div-1',
    mediaTypes: {
      banner: {
        sizes: [[300, 250]],

Video parameters


  • context
  • mimes
  • playerSize

Additionaly, all Video object parameters described in chapter 3.2.7 of the OpenRTB 2.5 specification can be passed as bidder params.

Example configuration:

var adUnits = [
    code: 'div-1',
    mediaTypes: {
      video: {
        context: 'outstream',
        mimes: ['video/mp4', 'video/x-flv'],
        playerSize: [400, 300],
        protocols: [2, 3],
    bids: [
        bidder: 'adbookpsp',
        params: {
          placementId: 'example-placement-id',
          video: {
            placement: 2,

NOTE: Supporting outstream video requires the publisher to set up a renderer as described in the Prebid docs.

Testing params

To test the adapter, either placementId: 'example-placement-id' or orgId: 'example-org-id' can be used.

NOTE: If any adUnit uses the testing params, all adUnits will receive testing responses.

Example adUnit configuration:

var adUnits = [
    code: 'div-1',
    mediaTypes: {
      banner: {
        sizes: [[300, 250]],
    bids: [
        bidder: 'adbookpsp',
        params: {
          placementId: 'example-placement-id',

Example google publisher tag configuration:

  .defineSlot('/22094606581/example-adbookPSP', sizes, 'div-1')


Setting of the orgId can be done in the pbjs.setConfig() call. If this is the case, both orgId and placementId become optional. Remember to only call pbjs.setConfig() once as each call overwrites anything set in previous calls.

Enabling iframe based user syncs is also encouraged.

  adbookpsp: {
    orgId: 'example-org-id',
    winTrackingEnabled: true,
  userSync: {
    filterSettings: {
      iframe: {
        bidders: '*',
        filter: 'include',


GDPR and US Privacy are both supported by default.

Event tracking

This adapter tracks win events for it’s bids. This functionality can be disabled by adding winTrackingEnabled: false to the adapter configuration:

  adbookpsp: {
    winTrackingEnabled: false,

COPPA support

COPPA support can be enabled for all the visitors by changing the config value:

config.setConfig({ coppa: true });

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